Search Results for: the power of no

  • 429: Aaron Walker - Living a Life of Significance. Motivation & Success!


    Are you a man who longs to live a life of Success and Significance?

    This is my original chat with Aaron Walker who is without question a veteran entrepreneur. Starting his first business at 18 and selling to a Fortune 500 company nine short years later demonstrates Aaron’s passion for succeeding. Unwilling to rest on past success, Aaron started, bought and sold twelve successful companies over the past 38 years.

    Today Aaron spends the majority of his time HELPING MEN GROW IN SUCCESS AND SIGNIFICANCE as President and Founder of VIEW FROM THE TOP, a premier life and business coaching resource. (more…)

  • Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast with John Lee Dumas

    Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast with John Lee Dumas (JLD)

    If you are a podcaster, entrepreneur, business owner or just like to hear about others success with the desire to inspire your own, you’ll get some value from the “value bombs” JLD is dropping in his podcast, EOFire.

    What attracted me to this podcast was John’s passion and story. Head over to his website to get his take – Entrepreneurs on Fire, however, for what it’s worth, here’s mine.


  • 426 Scott Alan Turner - Financial Freedom, Retire Early, Advice without the Bull-shit!


    Scott Alan Turner is the Financial Rock Star, who went from a “money moron” at age 22 to self-made millionaire 13 years later. Scott is an early retiree who spends his time helping people get out of debt faster, save more mon- ey, and retire rich.

    In this episode, Scott shares some tips, tools, and practical advice about anyone can go about creating financial freedom. Including ideas on investing, conscious and purposeful spending, being mindful of your expenses and ways to increase what’s coming in. Scott offers a great deal usually advice without the bull-shit. He is certainly not about an offering get rich quick” advice. Enjoy!


  • The Story We Tell Ourselves

    The Story We Tell Ourselves

    The story we tell ourselves. How does our story affect our everyday life? Why is it important to be mindful of the story we tell ourselves? Can we change our story?

    We all attach ourselves to a story. It becomes the identity of our Self, forming who we are, or who we think we are. It is our internal narrative or dialogue used to guide our beliefs, behaviors and our life that can have both positive and adverse impact on the reality we live.

    Our story is our reality! If we don’t like it, we can change it. And in changing it, we can thrive. (more…)

  • 425: Leigh Martinuzzi - The Cumulative Effect.

    “A man’s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.” John Foster Dulles

    The cumulative effect. Accumulation derives from the Latin work “pile up.” The cumulative effect is essentially that, the accumulation of an effect caused by repeated action, behaviors, or thoughts that become more pronounced as time progresses.

    Think of it as the snowball effect. As the small ball begins to roll down the hill it expands in size at an ever increasing rate until it becomes a large mass of accumulated snow. Everything in life that we repeatedly do can have this effect with results both favorable in unfavorable outcomes.  (more…)

  • 424 Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. (Replay) - Master Death by Becoming Alive by Achieving Optimal Physical & Spiritual Health


    “Find your way out. Go home and master Death by becoming alive.” Don Miguel Ruiz

    At the age of 14, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr. and his grandmother, Madre Sarita. From that early age, he was called upon to translate Madre Sarita’s prayers, lectures, and workshops from Spanish into English. Through interpreting for Madre Sarita, don Miguel Jr. came to understand the power of faith.

    For the past eight years, don Miguel Jr. has applied the lessons learned from his father and grandmother to define and enjoy his own personal freedom while achieving peace. (more…)

  • 423: Book Reflections - How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman-Barrett

    How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett

    “Uncertainty means that things can be other than they appear. This realization brings hope in difficult times and can prompt gratitude in good times.”

    This is an amazing book to read. It was quite over my head at points but Lisa has done a fantastic job and explaining the theories as to how emotions are made. The main elements of this book which I think is absolutely amazing to ponder is that number one – the brain is constantly predicting our future, and number two – we are the agents of the reality we live and the destiny we create. (more…)

  • 422: 3 Minute Thought - Drop Your Schedules That Brings You Dissatisfaction

    Drop Your Schedules That Brings You Dissatisfaction

    “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu

    Healthy pressure is good in life. Having discipline and routine raises our levels of effectiveness. The benefits are that we are better able to pursue our aspirations and dreams. However, if the plans that we create cause us unnecessary displeasure or dissatisfaction in the process is it really worth it?

    What if instead of being consumed by our schedules, thinking that they are our only options we take control back. Just as we own our plans and those things we wish to accomplish, let’s also control the journey. (more…)

  • 421 Rick Hanson - Defining & Hardwiring Happiness, Neuroplasticity & Being Awake to Life's Experience


    In this episode, we have a very stimulating conversation about happiness. It is more on understanding the “why” of happiness than the specific practices, however, I feel in understanding and reflecting on this conversation allows you to assemble your own take. In doing that you can find more purpose towards cultivating happiness in your pursuit.

    With simple practices, you can hardwire more happiness, love, and wisdom into your brain and your life—Really!

    Dr. Rick Hanson has spent decades gathering research, information, practices, and other resources to help people just like you turn everyday experiences into a powerful sense of lasting well-being.


  • Why I Lay Awake in Bed Night After Night & Practices That Help

    Why I Lay Awake in Bed Night After Night & Practices That Help

    This article is the very first blog I wrote for The Hidden Why. I thought it might be worth my time to revisit old posts with an effort to reflect on how my thoughts and beliefs have adjusted. It also gives me the opportunity to correct grammatical mistakes and clean up my writing without promising that there are none in this revised article.

    In all transparency, I was not surprised by the amount of errors I made and the poor quality of my original writing. The good news is that I have certainly noticed how far my writing has come. I wrote this piece about 2 and a half years.

    What I enjoyed was seeing how my perspectives have changed and yet my voice has remained very consistent. I have tried to keep this post as close to the original as possible without taking too much away from my initial intention. However, I have summarized and closed with slightly different thoughts. (more…)

  • 405: Leigh Martinuzzi - Why Numbing Emotions Isn’t Ideal for Progress

    Why Numbing Emotions Isn’t Ideal for Progress

    “We numb vulnerability. We are the most in debt, obese, addicted and over medicated adult cohort in US history. The problem is that we cannot selectively numb emotion.” Brene Brown

     In this episode, I share my thoughts on why numbing emotions isn’t ideal. It has been inspired by a TED Talk I heard recently by Brene Brown. I wrote a short article about it here.

    The thought is that by numbing our emotions we numb all emotions even the good ones like happiness. This can place us in a vicious cycle that is certainly no benefit for living this experience as fully as possible.


  • 419 Daniel Van Valuen - Better Health Choices by Critical Thinking, Self-Exploration & Navigating the Landscape of Free Information


    “Health is the fundamental building block, an Ultimate Life Principle, to living a free, fulfilled and happy life.”


    In this episode of The Hidden Why podcast, I bring back to the show my mate Daniel Van Veluwen. Who is he? Just like you and I, he is a guy just trying to figure life out. Specifically, his interest is within the realms of health. On his personal journey, he has explored the “why” and “how” of health. He has adopted a holistic approach to health in efforts to optimise health and improve overall longevity.

    Like my desire to exploring how to live life as fully as I can, his dedication is to health. He has been the catalyst for my personal and continuing improvement in health. As it relates to suffering, happiness, regret, and simply maximising out the ability to be capable and effective, I believe health a fundamental foundation to living a kick-ass life.  (more…)

  • 417: 3 Minute Thought - Feeling A Little Low or Crappy? Here’s What You Should Do.

    Feeling A Little Low? Here’s What You Should Do.

    “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell

    If you’ve woken up feeling a little low, feeling a little crappy, a little uninspired or lacking motivation here is what you should do to snap yourself out of it.

    #1, find something positive to focus on. Don’t watch the news, or talk shit to someone about negative trivial rubbish. Go fill the mind with something positive. (more…)

  • 416 Steve Olsher - What is Your What? Cultivating a Life of Purpose, Conviction & Contribution


    Steve Olsher is known as the world’s foremost reinvention expert. Famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their WHAT – that is, the ONE thing they were created to do – his practical, no-holds-barred approach to life and business propels his clients towards achieving massive profitability while also cultivating a life of purpose, conviction, and contribution.

    Steve is an entrepreneur and author of New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do and Internet Prophets: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Profit Online plus he hosts Reinvention Radio.

    In this episode, I chat with Steve about finding our “what.” If you are looking for more purpose and a life of meaning and not sure where to start this might be a good place to begin.



    Key Take Outs

    • What’s is your what? How to find it. Who do you wish to serve?
    • The difference between your what and your why.
    • ABP Statement – Attributes, Beliefs and Perspectives.

    Quick round questions

    Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?

    Smoking weed as a creative device.

    What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

    LIve boldly but don’t let the ego prevent you from going it alone.

    What is the meaning of success?

    Willingness to fail.

    What is your number one productivity advice?

    Set a goal and a date and then go after it.

    What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make a change?

    Change doesn’t mean death – it’s an add on.

    Favourite Food


    Favorite Leisure Activity


    Favourite Book

    Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

    Guerilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business by Jay Levinson

    What Is Your WHAT?: Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do by Steve Olsher

    Internet Prophets: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Profit Online by Steve Olsher

    Favourite Quote

    Do we all have a why?

    Yes, we can all choose a why. If that what fires you up than cool.

    What does living with passion and purpose mean?


    How to find Steve Olsher

    Website –

    Podcast – Reinvention Radio

    FaceBook – Reinvention Radio Page

    Further Reading and Resources 

    TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading

    Psychology Today: Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody’s favourite subject – Ourselves

    Life Hack: Tips for Life

    Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y

    Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.

    The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.

    Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain

    Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate

    The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.

    American Psychological Association: The largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United State

    The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.

    Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.

    Brain Pickings: An inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.

    Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.

    Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.

    Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.” 

    Addicted 2 Success: Motivation & Inspiration Website full of quotes and inspiring articles for entrepreneurs.

    Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.

    The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.


  • 415: Leigh Martinuzzi - Appreciate The Time Others Give

    Appreciate The Time Others Give

    “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffett

    I am very protective of my time. It sometimes leaves me feeling selfish. The fact is time is the one resource we have that we can never get more of. Being conscious of this I am aware of how I use my time and how I lend my time to others. Maybe I am selfish.

    I am also compassionate and grateful for the life I get to live. I conscious of suffering in my life and that of others and by showing appreciation for what I have assists me to dissolve any suffering that may exist. (more…)

  • 413: Book Reflections - Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

    Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

    “Two Core Abilities for Thriving in the New Economy 1. The ability to quickly master hard things. 2. The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.” Cal Newport

    Anything that can assist us improving our skill in effectiveness is of value. Even though I consider myself a bit of an effectiveness guru there is always plenty of opportunities to learn more and I welcome it. In whatever paths we pursue, being effective will result in greater success and a happier pursuit in life.

    This book not only gave me new thoughts, ideas, practices, and perspectives on how I can sharpen my effectiveness but gave me a friendly jab. A reminder as to where I’ve let things slip and inspiration to further improve my game. (more…)

  • 411: Neal Barnard - Health & Nutrition. How to Prevent Disease & Live Better with Dr. Neal Barnard


    In this interview, I chat with Dr. Neal Barnard discussing the science and research behind health and nutrition. Including how to prevent disease by adopting a good diet and being aware of what we put in our mouths. Discussing the some of the ins and outs of meat, dairy, and sugar consumption and Neal also shares a method or “how to” in getting started.

    Neal Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C., is the president and founder of the nonprofit Physicians Committee, the founder of Barnard Medical Center, a nonprofit primary care medical center in Washington, D.C., and an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. You’ve likely read one of Dr. Barnard’s books or seen his PBS specials about diet and health. He’s published more than 70 clinical research studies and dietary reviews about using a plant-based diet to reach and maintain a healthy weight and slash the risk (more…)

  • 410: Leigh Martinuzzi - Suffering Ends with Meaning and Purpose

    Suffering Ends with Meaning and Purpose

    “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.” Paulo Coelho 

    Suffering: The state of experience of undergoing pain, distress or hardship.

    I talk a lot about suffering, I am passionate about this subject. It is an interest in an attempt to scratch my own itch. I desire to remove or dissolve the suffering in my life. Personally, suffering is an experience of the moment that is bad, unpleasant or not desirable. (more…)

  • 409 Jenny Blake - Change, Pivot, Strategy in Designing Your Life & Determining What's Next?


    “If change is the only constant then let’s get better at it.” Jenny Blake

    Jenny Blake is an author, career and business strategist and international speaker who helps people organize their brain, move beyond burnout, and build sustainable, dynamic careers they love. She is the author of PIVOT: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One and Life After College. (more…)

  • 408: Podcast Reflection - The Rich Roll Podcast. Inspiring Personal Transformation.

    Podcast Reflection – Rich Roll Podcast. Inspiring Personal Transformation.  Peace, Plants, Nutrition, Health, & Happiness.

    The Rich Roll podcast began in 2013, founded by Rich Roll himself. So who is this guy? Well, the best place to answer that question is by heading over to iTunes and subscribing to his podcast, The Rich Roll Podcast, and having a listen. Alternatively, you could head to his website and read more of his story. For what it’s worth here is my take.

    Rich Roll, podcaster, author, speaker, father of four, is a 50 something year old who, having transformed his own life, has gone on to become an inspiration for people around the world in regards to personal transformation, health, and well-being. (more…)

  • 407: 3 Minute Thought - Are Your Days Bringing Your Joy?

    Are Your Days Bringing Your Joy?

    “Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell

    A take away from Steve Jobs Stanford University Commencement Speech.

    Every morning he woke up he would look in the mirror and ask himself.  “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

    A great practice for all of us. We should ask ourselves, “Are my days bringing me joy?” If the answer is NO what could I change to make things better. A small adjustment or a big leap – it doesn’t matter. Anything that helps change the “no” to this question to a “yes” is a win. (more…)

  • Two Sorts of Thinking, Part 2 – Thoughts of Sensuality, Thoughts of Ill Will, Thoughts of Harm

    Two Sorts of Thinking, Part 2 – Thoughts of Sensuality, Thoughts of Ill Will, Thoughts of Harm

    “Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking & pondering, that becomes the inclination of his awareness. If a monk keeps pursuing thinking imbued with renunciation, abandoning thinking imbued with sensuality, his mind is bent by that thinking imbued with renunciation. If a monk keeps pursuing thinking imbued with non-ill will, abandoning thinking imbued with ill will, his mind is bent by that thinking imbued with non-ill will. If a monk keeps pursuing thinking imbued with harmlessness, abandoning thinking imbued with harmfulness, his mind is bent by that thinking imbued with harmlessness.”

    This is a follow on post from my post last week titled, “What is Thinking. Consciousness & Mindfulness.” If you haven’t yet read that post you might wish to start there as it will give you better context to my thoughts shared in this post.

    In the above discourse Buddha outlines “two thoughts of thinking.” These are thoughts of sensuality, thoughts of ill will and thoughts of harm or conversely thoughts of non-sensuality or renunciation, thoughts of non-ill will and thoughts of non-harm. (more…)

  • 405: Leigh Martinuzzi – How to Create and Live The Ultimate Life

    Over the last year, I’ve written a book and created a mentoring program called The Ultimate Life Map. I will be launching a campaign soon to publish this book with the intention to raise funds to complete a schooling project in Uganda.

    In preparation for the official launch, I am rolling out a trial of my mentoring program. I’ve worked with a few people using it already and so far, the feedback has been positive.

    I want to share what I’ve learned because I believe there is some great value to be had in creating a life with more freedom, fulfillment, and happiness. (more…)

  • 404 Danny Dover - Life Listed! Finding Purpose, Your "Why," Minimalism, Create an Inspiring Story


    In 2010, Danny Dover assigned a deadline of May 25, 2017, to his life. He was tired of hearing about other people’s exciting lives and decided to jump-start his own by taking steps to actually live as if the end was in sight. He tattooed his deadline on his butt and made the sole purpose of his life to complete his Life List (a list of more than 150 life goals). While pursuing his list, he inadvertently became a minimalist in order to gain the necessary focus to create a more meaningful life. This seemingly small change in mindset (which he later detailed in the book The Minimalist Mindset) dramatically changed his life for the better. (more…)

  • 402: 3 Minute Thought – Is Conformity or Originality the Best Path in Life?

    Is Conformity or Originality the Best Path in Life?

    “Originality brings more bumps in the road, yet it leaves us with more happiness and a greater sense of meaning.” Adam Grant


    In his book Originals, Adam Grant closed with this: “Becoming original is not the easiest path in the pursuit of happiness but it leaves us perfectly poised for the happiness of pursuit.”

    Conformity is not a recipe for success nor is it a recipe for happiness. It is a path for staying average. The struggle, the challenge, the chaos, the heartache that comes by creating our own paths in life is what stops many people from pursuing it but it is these paths that create the greatest sense of freedom, fulfillment, and happiness. (more…)

  • Two Sorts of Thinking: Part 1 – What is Thinking. Consciousness & Mindfulness.


    Founder of the Affluence Method, Tera Maxwell, Ph.D. teaches motivated people how to consciously bring their dreams into physical reality and live a life of abundance. She counters the hurdles of indoctrination by teaching others to connect with their higher purpose and intuition, accompanied by the release of energy blocks.

    Tera designed a life of freedom in Costa Rica for her and her family and teaches others how to do the same. Tera shares great value in this episode about dream manifestation, visualization, how to live with integrity to your purpose, affluence and how to create it and a great deal more. You’ll love it!


    Key Take Outs

    • Actions to manifesting dreams.
    • How to create and live an integral life.
    • Whats affluence and how to create it.

    Quick round questions

    Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?

    Getting into a good flow. Finding routine and rhythm aligned to what is important personally.

    What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

    You are not your thoughts and feelings.

    What is the meaning of success?

    Creating a life of love, abundance, and freedom that I desire.

    What is your number one productivity advice?


    What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make a change?

    Personal development and work to change your internal belief system.

    Favourite Food

    Thai FFavorite

    rite Leisure Activity


    Favourite Book

    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    You can listen to my book reflection here – Think and Grow Rich

    Favourite Quote

    “Our thoughts create our reality.”

    Do we all have a why?

    Yes! We need to pull back the layers and connect within.

    What does living with passion and purpose mean?

    Living life with passion and purpose is everything! It’s why we are here.

    How to find Tera Maxwell

    Website – Tera Maxwell



    Further Reading and Resources 

    TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading

    Psychology Today: Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody’s favourite subject – Ourselves

    Life Hack: Tips for Life

    Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y

    Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.

    The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.

    Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain

    Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate

    The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.

    American Psychological Association: The largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United State

    The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.

    Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.

    Brain Pickings: An inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.

    Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.

    Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.

    Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.” 

    Addicted 2 Success: Motivation & Inspiration Website full of quotes and inspiring articles for entrepreneurs.

    Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.

    The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.


  • 400: Leigh Martinuzzi - What I Have Learnt – If Anything!

    What I Have Learnt – If Anything!

    “That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” Steve Jobs

    Episode 400. It feels like I’ve been doing this podcast for a lot longer but since launch it’s been a year and a half. However, time has a tendency to slow down when things are new and unfamiliar. And for this reason time over the last years has slowed for me, partly due to this podcast and several other changes in my life.

    I have learnt a heck of a lot in that time. The information has really led me along a deeper personal transformation journey. It’s been amazing! (more…)

  • 399 Frank Hanna - A Graduate's Guide to Life. Creating & Living with Happiness.


    Frank Hanna is CEO of Hanna Capital LLC. He has been engaged in private equity and venture capital for over 27 years and is featured in the PBS documentary, The Call of the Entrepreneur. Mr. Hanna has advised and served on the boards of numerous think tanks and speaks frequently about macroeconomics, education, and philanthropy.

    He is the author of two bestselling books, What Your Money Means: (And How to Use It Well), and A Graduate’s Guide to LifeWe discuss why understanding money and how to use it can afford us a deeper appreciation for what money can’t by. And Frank also shares 3 things they don’t teach us in college, including why wealth and success are not what we think it is and how a life of happiness is easier to attain than we imagine. (more…)

  • Love is The Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends

    Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends by Tim Sanders

    Tim Sanders is all about doing business with love or as he would call it “bizlove.” He’s a lovecat and wished to teach others how to become a lovecat. Now that might be sounding a bit weird but don’t be deterred. This book is a little book of gold with surprising practical value to be had.

    It’s not all about free love nor will the value benefit those only looking to improve in business. It is a book about relationships, compassion and personal growth. It is a book that will help improve the success you wish to achieve and a book that will raise your levels of happiness. And it starts with love. (more…)

  • 397: 3 Minute Thought - What Makes You Feel Alive? Why?

    What Makes You Feel Alive? Why? A Meditation by Mark Nepo

    Happiness: The feeling of being alive. Marty Rubin

    In this episode, I explore a mediation by Mark Nepo that I discovered in his book The Book of Awakening. Make sure you are subscribed so I can inform you when I release my book reflection of this one.

    The meditation is to simply close your eyes, slow the breath, calm the mind and think about a few things that make you feel alive. What are they and why do they make you feel alive? (more…)

  • 396 Lisa Feldman Barrett - How Emotions Are Made


    Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University, with appointments at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Psychiatry and Radiology. She received an NIH Director’s Pioneer Award for her research on emotion in the brain, and the 2018 APS Mentor Award For Lifetime Achievement.

    In this episode, we discuss her new book, How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain, a book on how the brain constructs emotions — one that could revolutionize psychology, health care, the legal system, and our understanding of the human mind. (more…)

  • Tell me, what brings you joy? The Art of Self-Expression.

    Tell me, what brings you joy? The Art of Self-Expression.

    How open and honest are we with ourselves? How open and honest are we with others? Do we avoid the direct approach to truly expressing ourselves? If so, why?

    I often find myself hoping for things to happen or change without taking direct meaningful action. I wonder if we weren’t afraid of the consequences that may result from what we think, say and do how much more cooperative and congruent would life be, for all of us?

    It is not that I am dishonest, lazy or unwise. I work hard, I put my best efforts in being congruent and authentic in all my actions, and I think I am highly organized and purposeful. Yet still, for what I desire in life I am not always full-frontal. I am sure I am not alone. (more…)

  • 395: Leigh Martinuzzi - The Lady with The Hairy Legs, Challenge Conditioned Perspectives & Be Authentic

    The Lady with The Hairy Legs – Challenge Conditioned Perspectives & Be Authentic

    In this episode I wish to share with you an experience I had that, yes, believe it all not involved a lady with hairy legs. There are two thoughts that I hope you take away from this talk and they are why we must challenge our perspectives and be authentic.

    The first is that it’s good to be authentic. We are so pretentious and consumed by pleasing and externally created definition of the Self. I think women and men both succumb to these pressures just in differing ways. The expectations we place on ourselves rob us of our authentic beauty. There is an attachment to an expectation that such behaviors will raise our level of self-worth yet when it doesn’t this causes dissatisfaction in life.


  • 394: Tasha Eurich - Why Self Awareness is Positively Fundamental in Success in Work & Life


    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

    Dr. Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times bestselling author. With a PhD in organizational psychology, she is also the founder of The Eurich Group, where she’s helped thousands of leaders and teams improve their effectiveness through greater self-awareness.

    In her second book, Insight, Tasha delves into the connection between our self-awareness—what she calls the meta-skill of the twenty-first century—and our performance and success, both in and out of the workplace. Fortune calls it a “sprawling exploration of the psychic frailty that leads to self-delusion and self-aggrandizement, and—importantly—a compassionate, helpful guide for avoiding that path (or reversing it).” This forms the basis of our discussion in my interview with Tasha Eurich. (more…)

  • 392: 3 Minute Thought - Dare to Disagree! Challenge Thought, Beliefs & Behaviours

    Dare to Disagree – Challenge Thought, Beliefs & Behaviours

    “For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” Margaret Heffernan 

    Are we all “yes” men? Do we agree with almost everything? The news we watch, the stories we hear from friends, the new direction our company is taking, the images we see, the lives we perceive people live, the politicians, our thoughts, conditioned perspectives, and beliefs. What happens if we challenged ourselves more to disagree? (more…)

  • Why Was My Friend SO Happy With Life? What Was His Secret?

    Why Was My Friend SO Happy With Life? What Was His Secret?

    I was feeling dissatisfied with my life. I wasn’t really aware of this at the time. I felt normal. I held the belief that this is how life was. I kept telling myself that things will improve thinking that perhaps I was just in a rut. However, all of this wasn’t really helping me and I wasn’t experiencing any noticeable changes.

    Days, months and years passed. I felt quite the same – dissatisfied! I wasn’t really angry or pissed off. I didn’t think it was only my life that sucked. I wasn’t a victim of life. I knew I wasn’t alone but I couldn’t really see that. I was trapped in my own suffering and this was limiting my externally held perspectives. It was limiting the quality of my life.

    I couldn’t see the fruit through the leaves. Actually, at the time I wasn’t sure there was any fruit. (more…)

  • 390: Leigh Martinuzzi - Self-Importance, Expression, & Creating Positive Change

    Self-Importance, Expression, & Creating Positive Change

    “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel.” John Ruskin

    Most of us believe so strongly in our self-importance, including me, that we often become disillusioned by it. We can find ourselves thinking, saying and doing all that is not really necessary nor important as it comes to living a life with passion and purpose.

    We try to create a sense of self-importance by validating our beliefs in behaviors through external recognition. This can pull us away from living with integrity and congruently with we value and our why.


  • 389: Dana Lamon (Replay) - Passion, Purpose & A Meaningful Life with International Toastmaster World Champion


    This is a replay of an interview I did with Dana Lamon. We discuss skills on listening and speaking, how to find inspiration and motivation, finding passion, experimenting with life and why taking a chance on yourself is a good idea.

    You can view the full show notes here.  (more…)

  • 387: 3 Minute Thought, Andon – "Pull the Cord."

    Andon – “Pull the Cord.”

    Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” Mark Twain

    Andon is a Japanese manufacturing term referring to a system to notify management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem.

    It is a quality control system pioneered by Toyota. I heard about this term in Charles Duhigg’s newest book – Faster, Smarter, Better. (more…)

  • Find Effectiveness and Purpose: The Value Exchange Assessment

    Find Effectiveness and Purpose: The Value Exchange Assessment

    Time is our most valuable resource, which is a phrase you’ve probably heard before. The truth is that to be able to develop our full potential in daily life we have to master effectiveness, and that requires the wise and purposeful use of our time.

    Effective time management is the art of extracting true purpose from all moments in life. To discover more purpose in life, we have to start thinking, behaving and being more purposeful.

    Purpose is a reason something exists or why something is done or created. To understand if something has a purpose it is beneficial to develop awareness of the correlation between the resource exchange and the perceived or expected value to be gained. (more…)

  • 385: Leigh Martinuzzi - How to Overcome a Victim Mentality in Four Steps

    How to Overcome a Victim Mentality in Four Steps

    “Today is a new day. Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!” Steve Maraboli

    A Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize themselves as a victim of the negative actions of other people, events or circumstance and to behave as if this were the case.

    In this episode, I discuss victim mentality, what it means, why it exists and how to overcome it.


  • 384 Karan Bajaj - Dharma & Karma. Purify Thoughts & Actions


    In this episode, we go on a spiritual journey with Karan Bajaj, the author of The Yoga of Max’s Discontent. We review the states of Dharma and Karma – bringing the East to the West. What it means to live towards your innate tendencies, striving to purify thoughts and actions and how through the law or Karma does every action have an equal and opposite reaction.

    It’s a replay episode but for those who haven’t heard it, there is some great value to be had. Even a second time around. (more…)

  • 383: Book Reflections- A Thought On Writing

    A Thought On Writting

    “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou

    In this episode I discuss my thoughts on writing. Writing is just one format of self-expression and this is in my opinion critical to living with greater fulfilment and happiness. I share tips that have help me in my practice of writing that may also benefit you. If you are looking to start writing whether that is a book or blog I hope you can get some value from this show. Enjoy!


  • 381: Jessica Lahey - The Gift of Failure, Motivation, Parenting, Resilience, Writing & The Art of Work


    Jessica Lahey is a teacher, writer, and mom. She writes about education, parenting, and child welfare for The Atlantic, Vermont Public Radio, and the New York Times and is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    What’s the best way to motivate students to own their education, learn deeply and durably, and develop resilience? Research has shown that the key to all these things is intrinsic motivation, or motivation that comes from within. (more…)

  • 379 Travis Macy Replay - 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports & Life

    In this episode I chat with Travis Macy – endurance athlete, about the mindset principles that can assist us all in pursuit of success. He is the author of The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion’s 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life and in this conversation shares many of the insider secrets. Inspiring and insightful!

    You can check out the full show notes here – Episode 116 with Travis Macy 


  • 378: Book Reflection - Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler & Jamie Wheal - Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

    Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal

    “The foolish man conceives the idea of ‘self.’ The wise man sees there is no ground on which to build the idea of ‘self;’ thus, he has a right conception of the world and well concludes that all compounds amassed by sorrow will be dissolved again, but the truth will remain.” Buddha

    This is a very fascinating read about the art and science behind humans chase for creating higher levels of consciousness, not only to achieve more but to live richer lives.

    Ecstasis is what the Greeks defined as the act of stepping beyond oneself. It is the state of consciousness above what is normal in daily life that allows us to move into a state of flow. A state that is characterised by Selflessness, Timelessness, Effortlessness and Information Richness (STER). In this book the authors Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal expose the principles behind Ecstasis and the practices and techniques people are using to reach such states. (more…)

  • 377: 3 Minute Thought - A Greater Life via Long Term Thinking

    You can build a long term further on short term thinking. Billy Cox

    In this episode I chat about the benefits of long term thinking. Why it is beneficial for us to pause, and think about what we do rather than always chasing immediate pleasure and immediate results. A long term perspective will progress us towards a greater life. Think about it.



  • 376: Jessica Zitter - Extreme Measures: Finding a Better Path to the End of Life


    “A good physician takes care of the disease, a great one takes care of the patient.”

    Jessica Zitter, MD, MPH, practices ICU and Palliative Care at the county hospital in Oakland, California. She is the author of Extreme Measures: Finding a Better Path to the End of Life. Her essays and articles have appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Huffington Post, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and other publications.  Her work is featured in an Oscar-nominated short documentary, Extremis, now streaming on Netflix. She regularly lectures and speaks on the radio on the topic of dying in America.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    In this episode we discuss how to make the path to the end of life less sufferable. It really boils down to having congruent and available information that allows all who are involved making more satisfying decisions. It is a unique conversation to The Hidden Why but one with a very important message. (more…)

  • The Fly in the Ear of the Bull

    The Fly in the Ear of the Bull

    In an interview I heard on the James Altucher Podcast, Yuval Noah Harari made this comment,

    “In a way, a terrorist is like a fly that tries to destroy a china shop. The fly is so small and weak. It cannot move even a single teacup. So how does a fly destroy a china shop? The fly finds a bull, gets into the ear of the bull and starts buzzing. The bull becomes so enraged that it loses its temper and destroys the china shop. This is what happened in the middle east over the last 15 years,” Yuval said.

    Since then I have found another story about a little fly and a bull. The moral of the story was about one’s self-perceived importance. When the fly attempted to get the bulls attention by buzzing in its ear and landing on it horn the bull simply said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.” (more…)

  • 375: Leigh Martinuzzi - Steve Jobs (Apples co-founder) Stanford University Commencement Speech Highlights

    Steve Jobs  Stanford University Commencement Speech Highlights

    “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” Steve Jobs

    Here are the highlights of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech

    Connect the dots – You can only connect the dots of the past not of the future. For that reason, we must have trust in our intuition that for everything we do the dots will connect in our future in a meaningful way. Trust that it’ll all work out okay.

    Do what you love and if you haven’t found it keep searching. This is important. Refer to the above quote. (more…)

  • 374: Rob Scott Replay - Shift Your Identity, Evolve Your Consciousness & Improve Your Life

    Rob Scott is dedicated to helping people succeed by shifting peoples identities and evolving their consciousness so they can progress and improve any aspects of their lives. It is a great chat with many valuable insights. Check it our here @ The Hidden Why

    Check out the full show notes here – Episode 111 with Rob Scott


  • 373: Book Reflections - Ambition: Leading with Gratitude by Seth Buechley

    Ambition: Leading with Gratitude by Seth Buechley 

    “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.” Napoleon Bonaparte


    Seth Buechley is a serial entrepreneur and found ambition very early in life, in his own unique way. Having grown up in a commune he learnt the art of work early on in life. While there are certain negatives of such an upbringing, as he explains, life in the commune developed within him a strong work ethic.

    When it comes to ambition and self-motivation I believe that those who are grow up with a solid work ethic benefit greatly. When the reward of the work we do does not directly benefit us it can sometimes be more difficult to take action. (more…)

  • 371: Eric Barker - Determining Success, The Myths of Success, & How to Create The Life You Love


    Eric Barker’s humorous, practical blog, “Barking Up the Wrong Tree”, presents science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.

    Over 290,000 people subscribe to his weekly newsletter and his content is syndicated by Time Magazine, The Week, and Business Insider. He has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, and the Financial Times.

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  • 370: Leigh Martinuzzi - Passion & Purpose, Patience & Persistence

    Passion & Purpose, Patience & Persistence

    “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” Napoleon Hill

    I believe it is okay to not be patient if the resource that is utilised doesn’t bring with it any greater value or benefit towards the life you wish to live. Learn to say no.

    However, sometimes we have to tolerate waiting or practice patience even when things are not enjoyable or as we’d truly with to be doing. Suck it up but understand why.

    As it comes to living the life you wish to life patience and persistence is often a must. A skill that will allow you to accomplish what you set out to achieve. How we do that? I share my thoughts in this episode @ The Hidden Why.


  • 369: Judson Brewer - Habit Change & Overcoming the Craving Mind Through Mindfulness


    Judson Brewer MD PhD is a thought leader in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, having combined nearly 20 years of experience with mindfulness training with his scientific research therein.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    A psychiatrist and internationally known expert in mindfulness training for addictions, Brewer has developed and tested novel mindfulness programs for habit change, including both in-person and app-based treatments (below). (more…)

  • 368: Book Reflections - 10% Happier by Dan Harris. Self-Help That Actually Works

    10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story By Dan Harris

    “We live so much of our lives pushed forward by these “if only” thoughts, and yet the itch remains. The pursuit of happiness becomes the source of our unhappiness.”


    Dan Harris is a mindful correspondent for ABC and co-anchor for the weekend edition of Good Morning America. His mindfulness nature has not always been present. After having a serious panic attack on national TV he realised that change was necessary and began his search.

    This book is his story and journey into how developing a mindfulness practice in life has allowed him to become 10% happier. It is a journalist’s approach to finding the truth to the spiritual world of America, the science behind meditation and many Buddhist insights into living a more deeply satisfying life. (more…)

  • Seeking Change? Use The Minimal Viable Effort Approach

    Seeking Change? Use The Minimal Viable Effort Approach

    Minimal Viable Effort (MVE) is the minimal effort we can take to achieve the greatest possible outcome. Viable is the key word here.

    This is a great way to approach not only change but anything we do in life. It aligns closely with Pareto’s principle or the 80/20 rule – I wrote an article on this sometime aback that you can review here.

    First of all, minimal viable effort is not about doing things half-heartedly or simply with minimal effort. It is about achieving the best result without overwhelm, unnecessary effort or waste. (more…)

  • 366: Mac Prichard - Land Your Dream Job, Networking, Hacks, Doing Good & Possibility


    Mac Prichard is the founder and publisher of Mac’s List, an online community for people looking for rewarding, creative, and meaningful work.

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    More than 80,000 people a month visit Mac’s Site, which includes a job board, and a blog and courses about the nuts and bolts of job hunting and career management. Mac also hosts a weekly podcast, Find Your Dream Job, and is the author of the new book, Land Your Dream Job Anywhere. (more…)

  • 365: Leigh Martinuzzi - What is FLOW? The How and the Why!

    “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu

    In positive psychology, flow, also known as the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does.

    In this episode I was to share my thoughts on the benefits of flow, what is required to get there and how, and the challenges we might face. B Inspired! THY! (more…)

  • 363: Book Reflections - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    I first read this book in my early adult years. I think my parents purchased for me perhaps because they saw my obsession in money and creating riches. At that time the content struck me as new and very abstract. It was insightful and inspiring yet at times a little over my head. Life moved on and in most part so did the teachings of this book.

    Think and Grow Rich is an all-time best seller and the principles it teaches about success in this book are in most part timeless. For those seeking riches in life this is a powerful read with practices that I believe will bring results if followed consistently and correctly. However, it is not only about money creation. I believe it can bring riches to all aspects of life. (more…)

  • 362: 3 Minute Thought – Starting Out & Improving with Practice by Joshua Spodek

    Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. Mary Tyler Moore

    In this Episode Joshua describes how he believes the best way to greatness is by starting with what you can, no matter how rough, then improving with practice.

    He then says that either you like what you hear or you don’t. If you like it, please tell Leigh to help encourage him. If you don’t, find a newer recording from him in a few months, when he’s confident he will have improved, and use his improvement to motivate yourself to take on a challenge you’ve put off for too long. You’ll improve too. (more…)

  • Giftology

    My interview with John Ruhlin discussing the power of giving. Enjoy!


  • 360: Leigh Martinuzzi | Can You Live Your Passions? What Does It Really Mean?

    There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. Nelson Mandela

    In recent interviews I have been asked about following our passion and if it is possible for all us to achieve. Can you live your passion? Can you make a good life doing so?

    The topic of following one’s passions is very trendy – easy to understand why. Who wouldn’t want to live a life doing what they love, what they are passionate about. However, we must be careful not to get sold into false hope or develop and attach ourselves to unreal expectations. (more…)

  • 359: Replay with Graham Allcott - Productivity Tips, Techniques, Habits & Behaviours. Effectiveness = Success


    Graham Allcott is a best-selling author, speaker, social entrepreneur and the original ‘productivity ninja’. Armed with a mission to transform stuffy time management training courses into something more practical, human and fun, Graham founded Think Productive in April 2009. The company has since grown to spread the message of playful productivity across the UK and increasingly worldwide.

    Graham is proud to be the best-selling author of practical books, How to be a Productivity Ninja, Introducing Productivity and How to be a Knowledge Ninja.

    You can check out the full show notes here @ Episode 096: Graham Allcott 


  • 358: Book Reflections - The Road to Character by David Brooks

    The Road to Character by David Brooks

    “wisdom isn’t a body of information. It’s the moral quality of knowing what you don’t know and figuring out a way to handle your ignorance, uncertainty, and limitation.” David Brooks

    This books studies and shares insights into what builds solid character. As David suggests this book is less about creating resume virtues and more so about creating eulogy virtues. The legacy of one’s life will be praised and remembered not for their successes but more so for their character. This book is not written to inspire and highlight success strategies, it is written for the fundamental purpose to inspire and highlight why character is paramount.

    Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Brooks views on the modern age is that many of us are driven by individualistic pursuits characterised by a desire for success. This nature he refers to is the Adam 1 that exists within all of us, some more predominantly so than others. The other nature is that of Adam 2, driven with desire to obtain and embody greater moral qualities. (more…)

  • Summary

    Adam Force is a business professional, consultant and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience. Working as Director of Strategic Marketing at WebMD, he’s developed digital content marketing strategies for some of the largest brands in the world.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Today, he is the founder of Change Creator, a multimedia platform dedicated to social entrepreneurship and redefining the role business plays in the world. This includes the first magazine app on iTunes and Google Play for social entrepreneurs.

    In this episode we chat about social entrepreneurship – the why and the how. (more…)

  • In Failing We Strengthen

    In Failing We Strengthen

    To fail is to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal. Failing is tough. Life is tough! If we gave up every time we failed as we grew up how far would we get?

    Every time we fail we actually strengthen. Every time we fall we learn how to get up again. Every time we fail we learn, we grow, we progress and in that we strengthen.

    In learning to walk we fall many times. As an adult we walk without effort or conscious thought. A mindless action taken for granted. (more…)

  • 355: Leigh Martinuzzi - Replay: Why Turning Off The TV Will Change Your Life

    Why Turning Off The TV Will Change Your Life

    “The great distractions of life stop us from truly living, TV is the traditional favourite. We have become reliant on TV to entertain us, inform us, and help us make decisions. It is an external tool that defines us and in doing so binds us from leading a life we love. ” Leigh Martinuzzi

    I made a decision to turn off the TV a few years back and it was the best decision I made. Instead of watching hours of mindless or negative TV I read books. Books that inspired me, that educated me, that gave me more opportunities to observe my mind thus allow me to better understand and create a greater life. (more…)

  • 354: Loretta Breuning – The Happy Chemicals: Hard-Wired to Survive, Self-Denial, Choice, Free Will & Happiness

    Loretta Graziano Breuning is founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, which helps people manage the ups and downs of their mammal brain. She learned that our happy brain chemicals swing up and down because they have a job to do. When you know what they do in animals, you can make peace with your inner mammal. You can wire yourself to enjoy more happy chemicals and relieve more unhappy chemicals

    Breuning is the author of Habits of a Happy Brain that I have read and reviewed here and also a past guest episode 21 – here. 


  • 353: Book Reflections - Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Wilink & Leif Babin

    Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Wilink and Leif Babin.

    “Implementing Extreme Ownership requires checking your ego and operating with a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership, and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful team.” Jocko Willink

    Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    We are all leaders in life and while some of us may have been trained more extensively than others we can all become effective leaders. It is a matter of learning leadership principles and then constantly putting them into practice. Day by day in every way you will get better. (more…)

  • The Thought, The Mind, The Influence, Our Reality

    The Thought, The Mind, The Influence, Our Reality

    I am my reality. Understanding why we are the reality we live will enable us to summon the power to create the reality we desire. This is not supernatural phenomenon or mind tricks of a Jedi, this is the power our mind and body. The reality we live is an extension of the mind.

    We are surrounded everywhere by stimulus in life. Whether that be the signboard we drive pass, the coffee we drink or the advice we receive from a friend. In every moment we are receiving signals from what exists in the external world.

    These “things” generate our thoughts that become objects of the mind that form how we perceive our reality.

    Where does thought arise from? Who is the thinker of the thought? No one knows the answer to this and I am not sure we need to know. This much we know. Thoughts arise within our brain through neural activity. I believe that this activity is stimulated by circumstance and the stimuli we experience.

    If you see a bird fly past it may generate a thought. An argument at breakfast with your spouse will generate thoughts. Thoughts are never ending, always arising and outside our control but not outside our ability to influence.

    New thoughts will come with new stimulus and circumstance. They will intertwine with past experience, knowledge and thought.

    Thought has power to change our mood and how we feel. How we feel also affects the thoughts we have. Feelings are generated from stimuli and circumstance a cause of our senses and emotions. They raise thought that further influences how we feel. In greater awareness we have an ability to choose whether we react or respond to our thoughts.

    If I were to cut myself I will bleed. If I were to be surprised without prior awareness I may jump or flinch in response. There is natural phenomenon that our bodies react to, however I believe that this does not affect our state of being. What affects our state of being is how we react to the thoughts that arise in the mind.

    When we cut ourselves we will bleed but how we deal with what proceeds is entirely directed by our thought. The mind may react based on past experience to similar situations but how we respond we can choose. The response will be critical to our future responses becoming a benchmark for our reality.

    We may cry in pain from shock or sight of blood. We may be angry, curse or become self-accusing. We may simply breath, remain calm, aware of the pain and blood yet present enough to focus on healing. Aware enough to pause, assess and react most suitable.

    Being too reactive to the moment lessens our ability to experience the next moments. Responding appropriately allows us to move on to the next moments.

    No matter how we feel in such circumstance the moment will never last, another moment will immediately follow. Time is not permanent. What will last is how we attach ourselves to that moment and carry it into other moments.

    I believe that we are the creators of the suffering that exists within our life and therefore in charge of our happiness. We may not be able to control all natural reactions both in physical body and in mind but we can decide on how we want to be. It does not mean we need to manipulate our mind or thought. We just need to become more present and aware.

    Pain assists us to focus our attention, our natural defence mechanism so we can protect ourselves for further injury or death. Pleasure we often take for granted. The feel the cool breeze or the sound of rain drops on the roof in a monsoon.

    The feelings we once received from being, doing or having certain moments are neglected as such situations are common and familiar. The reason we are always in chase of new things to stimulate pleasurable feelings.

    A practice of gratitude grounds us and makes us focus on and appreciate what is already available that makes us feel good. A focus on the pleasures of life can enrich our state of being. We don’t need more of anything to feel satisfied.

    If the body senses are working, we can feel good. If the mind is aware we can appreciate these feelings. The reality we live is a matter of how we react or respond to the moments of life.

    The pain or unpleasant experiences of life need not be pushed down or bottled but rather accepted, appreciated and understood without attachment. For they too will pass.

    And the best way we can influence the thoughts that arise is by being mindful of the stimulus we expose ourselves to.

    Negative stimulus will poison the mind creating negative thought. Positive stimulus will infect us with positive thought. Both will influence how we react and/or respond. Both will be either good or bad to the reality we live.

    We may not be in control of what we think and when we think but we can influence the source of thought and be mindful of how we relate to and respond to thought.

  • Self-Acceptance, Self-Denial & What’s in Between

    Self-Acceptance, Self-Denial & What’s in Between
    In efforts to continually improve myself I find myself cutting out much of what I use to do, what I use to have, what I use to think and even what I use to enjoy. At least for things I thought I enjoyed and perhaps I still would.

    I am not sure if it’s in efforts of me seeking some kind of moral victory or if it truly is ambition just to do more what is good for me so I can live a better life.

    This leaves me wondering and asking questions.

    Are my recent behaviours and motivations driven out of an inability to accept myself and who I am?

    Do I struggle to accept what is?

    Are my acts that I believe to be bringing with them more good and less suffering in my life simply acts Self-denial and deprivation?

    What is in between and is there balance?

    I have recently read a book by David Brooks called The Road to Character. A fascinating and insightful read. It is left me thinking about my character, who I am and who I think I am, and what is most important to living a meaningful life.

    In David’s book he defines character as a development of good moral qualities that comes by not avoiding one’s weaknesses or sufferings but approaching them head-on. I feel my journey over the last few years has been characterised by this focus on the ill-Self.

    As a passionate “effectiveness” enthusiast, I have always been for focusing on one’s strengths over one’s weaknesses. Why focus on that which I may never improve that greatly?

    It seems like a waste of energy considering that I could focus on making what I’m already good at significantly better. Besides there are others that can bring balance to me weaknesses.

    However, what has been illuminated to me is that there is a difference between skill and character and while it can be effective to focus only on skill strengths, not weaknesses, character strength is built from a focus on character weakness. And for this reason one must continue to confront their Demons.

    I am also a proponent of the idea that an amazing life is lived by walking our own journey and to do this we must rely on internal guidance and avoid external dictatorship. This includes dictatorship of the egoic mind that relies on external definition. A familiar belief of mine for those who consume my works.

    The greater our character the greater our journey. Those that are driven by the external elements of life seek to only brush up on skill strength in order to direct them forward. In doing so they avoid facing their weaknesses with a belief that it may disrupt their effectiveness.

    If one’s weaknesses are exposed this might mean the will be less able to persuade the external elements in favour of the direction in life they seek to progress. The development of deep character is neglected.

    I believe character has more powerful influence over the flow of life than skill because skill requires alignment of external elements whereas character does not. Character allows one to adapt to all situations in life, skill may not.

    For this reason, I believe we must focus on character, we must seek to improve our internal weaknesses and vulnerabilities and strengthen our moral qualities. Morals are principles of right and wrong behaviour. There are certain morals partial to us and individual morals that become our rules and beliefs on how our life will be best lived.

    My morals for living life are created in part by what’s important, my why, and in part by what I feel I am obligated by being part of a collective whole. I wish to improve my thoughts, beliefs and behaviours as to what is ultimately good for my well-being and what I consider good for everything else. As I learn and experience more, these morals grow and seem to become ever more consuming.

    Where does it stop?

    When will I just accept my Self for who I am, blemishes and all?

    Should I?

    And in righteous efforts of Self-improvement and character building what do I deprive myself of?

    As I iron out my internally weaknesses and confront those inner battles I seem to destroy older behaviours. Most haven’t disappeared entirely and they may never, but they’ve lessened. Most behaviours weren’t conducive to living a moral life as I perceive it.

    Much can be said about reducing the suffering in my life. As I aim for more happiness and realise that most of my suffering is Self-caused I have attempted to gain greater Self-control in attempt to reduce my cravings, a critical component of this “self-caused” suffering.

    In such attempts I confront this sense of lacking in life. Thoughts that makes me feel as though perhaps I am missing out on some simple pleasures that maybe aren’t that bad in the grand scheme of life.

    As I attempt to find more peace in life maybe I’m reducing my ambitions, desires and dreams. Things that I perceive will make my life greater but without can also find and be with great content.

    While in one sense desires and dreams can create suffering, when motivated by external factors, they can also give one a greater sense of meaning in life.

    While denying myself of guilty pleasures that may compliment my efforts to improve my character I wonder if these new thought, beliefs and behaviours are inclined to a life of passivity. And what is my real character and what is an extension of my outer pre-conditioned definition of Self.

    The roads of both journeys lead to rewards that are highly uncertain and assumptive. While on the road driven by the external guidance of skill and ambition may bring about great success, it may not.

    The journey that focuses on character building, soul searching and moral victories may also allow one to live more truly, with ease and happiness and in a sense achieve success, but it too may not.

    For that reason, I think there must exist a place in-between both worlds.

    If I can focus on character and inner peace by confronting my weaknesses I am sure that moral character will trump all other journeys in life available. At the same time being able to accept what is and who I am so that I don’t make a total sacrifice to what may bring joy today.

    Thinking, saying and doing things that on the surface aren’t bad and do not break integrity of character, or cause unnecessary suffering for the sake of pleasure are okay?

    These efforts continue to assist me in making better choices around my desires and dreams. Allowing me to act more appropriately, even when driven by external motivation or reward, that still aligns with moral qualities.

    Perhaps then will I enjoy an ice-cream on a hot day without feeling guilty or like I am lacking while still being able to have enough Self-control that doesn’t take away from the joys of life but only assists to make them more profound.

  • 344: Maria Filipe | Live Your Happy - Discover The Happiness Within


    Maria Felipe is the author of Live Your Happy. A Cuban-American born in Miami, she is 5’9” with a towering personality to match.  After experiencing success as a model and actress, including hosting World Wrestling Federation TV shows, she felt called inward and studied to become a reverend at Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $25

    Live Your Happy is not a philosophic explanation but rather a practical guide for living it. In this episode we discuss Maria’s book and work to highlight how we can remove the “cuckoo voice of the ego”, connect with the “inner Self,” and access personal power and strength. The path to deeper happiness.  (more…)

  • Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Milburn

    Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Milburn

    “Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.” Hosea Ballou.

    I like these guys and I love the message they share. Creating a minimalist lifestyle. A life that removes the clutter and chaos and in doing so allowing us to act and exist more purposefully as we wish in life.

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    The concept when understood will chip away the edges of complexity, remove the boundaries and limitations placed on us by overwhelm and clutter, and allow us to navigate a more beautiful journey in life – one of freedom, fulfilment and happiness. (more…)

  • 340- Leigh Martinuzzi - Hard Wired to Survive - Why it Matters?

    “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” Aristotle

    Biologically speaking we are hard-wired to survive. Happiness is nature’s way of helping us fulfil that need? We just endowed with chemicals and hormones that not only bring balance to the operation of this vessel but  guide us towards what is beneficial to our journey and what to avoid.

    In this solo rant I discuss my thoughts on this topic. Thoughts on our happy chemicals. Why we have some natural tendencies to move towards pleasure and avoid pain, how this links to our evolution and need for survival and why it creates and ever expanding set of perceived needs. On order to better navigate our lives towards greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness.


  • 338:Book Reflection | The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living

    The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday & Hanselman

    “The only thing that isn’t worthless: to live this life out truthfully and rightly. And be patient with those who don’t.” Marcus Aurelius

    Stoicism, an ancient Greek school of philosophy, a beautiful operating system for life. Philosophy is an attitude and a guiding principle of behaviour in life. In many ways philosophy is about asking questions, seeking truth so to live as best we can with greater ease. Principles that can improve wisdom, perseverance and the art of living.

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    I believe that life is simple yet complex. I say this because there is not one formula nor is there one discipline of study that should be the basis of how we live our life. (more…)

  • Deep Motivations That’ll Assist You to Persist

    Deep Motivations That’ll Assist You to Persist

    In last week’s post I discussed ideas on discovering deep motivations that will assist us to take action towards those changes and desires we wish for. I suggest that for any action to occur one needs to connect with their deep inner motivation not to external motivation alone. While there are certain external motivators that do help stimulate actions, it is our inner drivers that have the greatest power.

    It is the same inner motivation that is used to allow us to remain composed and to persist in times of adversity. When things get tough or as the results you desire are not coming as expected it’s easy to call it a day. You are less likely to call it a day when the motivation is from a deep place within. (more…)

  • Discover Deep Motivations That Will Assist You to Make the Change That You Desire

    Discover Deep Motivations That Will Assist You to Make the Change That You Desire
    Do you find yourself constantly knowing what you should be doing but struggling to do it? With the overabundant amount of advice, information, ideas and thought on how to best live this life it can seem difficult to navigate yourself towards what is best for you. Personally it is a constant battle for me which is why I continue to challenge myself.

    Here is what I know. The subconscious mind is very good at keeping us doing the behaviours that we are familiar with and comfortable. We are creatures of habit and habit is something that can be difficult to change but not impossible. The first reason why we might struggle to do those things we know or wish to be doing can be some part be the responsibility of the subconscious mind. (more…)

  • Discipline, Consistency & Greater Self Control - A 28-Day Challenge

    Discipline, Consistency & Greater Self Control – A 28-Day Challenge

    This is not an April fool’s joke- it is time I challenge myself again. This is not reason to increase the complexity of my existence it is a chance to simplify it by being in charge and seeking change and improvement.

    For those of you who follow me at The Hidden Why you will be familiar with some of my recent thoughts with particular reference to being the captain of my ship, the master of my soul. Not negotiating with my mind. Talking to myself and directing my life. Being my own greatest leader not a mere cog in the wheel of my consciousness.

    I have also found interest in science, particularly discovered through the works of Sam Harris, neuroscientist and philosophical writer, that proves there is no free will. With all this thought in mind I have a great desire right now to sharpen things up and prove a few things to the Self and seek to discover what is true and what is truth. (more…)

  • 316 Emily Esafani Smith | The Four Pillars in Discovering Greater Meaning, Belonging, Purpose, Storytelling, & Transcendence


    Emily Esfahani Smith is the author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters. She writes about psychology, culture, and relationships. Her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Time, The Atlantic, and other publications.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    In her book Emily argues that the search for meaning can immeasurably deepen our lives and is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness. A great fit for The Hidden Why. (more…)

  • 308: Book Reflections | The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff

    The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff by Andy Andrews

    “Perspective is the only thing that can dramatically change the results without changing any of the facts.” Andy Andrews

    What a surprisingly great little read. Packed with such purposeful insight and perspectives. What is life but an accumulation of the little things. We hear it often enough but do we really consider the little things we do and how they have impact on not only our lives but all those around us?

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    Andy Andrews is a New York Times reporter, speaker and author and is all about awakening and empowering the human spirit and mind to live more inspired lives. This book is a little dose of that.


  • 5 Benefits That Come from Discovering Your Why & Living It

    5 Benefits That Come from Discovering Your Why & Living It

    Life’s goal is to live with greater Freedom, Fulfilment, and Happiness. To do this, we need to ultimately decide on what that looks like for each of us and then go about discovering and developing our WHY from there. There’s that WHY word again, the most powerful word I know.

    Today I want to touch on 5 reasons, not the only ones, that you will benefit from by connecting with your why and using this as the tool to navigate you on your journey in this beautiful existence.

    For me, asking the big questions about life and trying to experience, as best I can, living congruently with my inner “why” I have made some pretty exciting and rewarding discoveries. My wish is to share them using this platform.

    When you follow your unique journey in life, according to your “why” life becomes that much more beautiful and here are five reasons why this occurs. (more…)

  • 289: Marc Allen | Round 2: Life is Empty, Do The Work, Connect Within, and Live Life Beautifully


    Marc Allen is an internationally renowned author and president and publisher of New World Library, which he co-founded (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977. He has guided the company from a small start-up with no capital to its current position as one of the leading independent publishers in the country.

    Marc is a well-known musician and composer as well, having released five albums of his music for the label he co-founded with Sky Canyon and Robert Powell, Watercourse Media. (more…)

  • 288: Book Reflections | Giftology: The Art & Science of Using Gifts by John Ruhlin

    Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retentionby John Ruhlin

    John Ruhlin, founder of the Ruhlin Group, in his book shares his secrets, strategies and insights into the power behind gift giving to increase referrals, and strengthen and retain your internal and external customers. Having had the opportunity to interview John on my podcast I was wowed by the simplicity yet how much impact gift giving can really have both in life and business.

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    The book was easy and enjoyable to read. It has been written in a manner that communicates the benefits of implementing a gift giving strategy into your business with ideas to do so. It also answers questions and provides insights to overcome the barriers that are associated with bringing the power of gift alive in your business. He shares the dos and don’ts of gift giving. Highlighting the difference between a promotional item and defining a gift.


  • 283: Book Reflections | The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers

    The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers By Paul Colaianni

    A great book on personal empowerment. I enjoyed this read. Paul Colaianni has vulnerably shared his personal story and the lessons he has learnt in the process. In sharing his experiences and insight Paul provides practical tips and advice on how we can empower ourselves to live in honour as to the life we desire. A life that is true to one’s Self.

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    He talks on a variety of life topics important for us all in living this experience as fully as we are able. Topics include how to avoid self-sabotage to living congruently with your values. Ideas and insights on how to better understand the relationships in your life and how to remove yourself from any suffering they may cause. (more…)

  • 281: Jim Harshaw | Revealing Failure as The Path to Success


    Jim Harshaw is a speaker, consultant and former Division I All American wrestler. He grew up in a blue-collar home therefore learning the value of hard work early on. Having spent his life surrounded by Olympians, CEO’s and millionaires he has been able to observe their struggles and failures on the way to success.

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    Jim believes we need to understand that every success story includes crushing failure. Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Phil Knight, Elon Musk have all failed. (more…)

  • 278: Book Reflections | Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations by Dan Ariely

    Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (TED Books) by Dan Ariely

    If you are looking for insights behind human motivation you will benefit from reading this book. Dan Ariely addresses the topic beautifully. Whether you seek greater self-motivation or wish to improve the motivational influence you have on others at the work-place or in your personal life this book will help you “think more deeply about the effects of your approach.” 

    Over the years partly in experience and partly in learning I have certainly become more motivated towards most areas of life. I feel that motivation to act has mostly come easily to me and perhaps it’s a by-product of my lack of patience. I just want things to happen quickly when I set my mind on something. I think just as quick as I act which on occasions can get me in trouble.

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    Whatever the case I am highly motivated and many of the concepts and ideas Dan shares within this book I can relate. His research mostly revolves around the motivation aspects of the workplace however much of the findings relate specifically to the individual. These insights at some level relate to us all and may even give clues into how we can better live life.    (more…)

  • 272: Leigh Martinuzzi | What is the Worst Case Scenario? What is the Best Case?

    What is the Worst Case Scenario? What is the Best Case?

    “Confronting the worst-case scenario saps it of much of its anxiety-inducing power. Happiness reached via positive thinking can be fleeting and brittle, negative visualization generates a vastly more dependable calm.” Oliver Burkeman


    Often when we fear taking action we fear it for a reason. There is some truth to our fears. We are aware of the fears we have because we can feel it in the experience. I feel fear is a signal for as to act. Many thoughts on this I have shared before.

    For much of what we fear however is over exaggerated self-created assumption about the future. These fears can form our beliefs and our beliefs can be hard to influence to change. But we can change them. (more…)

  • How Do You Define Happiness?

    How Do You Define Happiness?

    I have a curiosity and passion in trying to figure out what life is really about. As I continue to ask the big questions and research this field of work I am still not sure if there is indeed any meaning in life. I know that I am experiencing something based on how it feels but beyond that, I cannot be certain.

    As I desire to live this life and truthfully as I can to make the most of the time I have I continue to do the work. On The Hidden Why Podcast, I have had interviews with many inspiring and amazing guests. I learn something new from each one of them. I discover a little more and with each new discovery, I uncover a little more truth about life.

    For whatever this experience is I believe we are not here to endure suffering. I wish to remove myself from unnecessary suffering as best I can. What suffering is necessary? Maybe suffering that comes through giving birth or the suffering that results from the pain of an injury is necessary. The self-created suffering caused by existing with no greater meaning is not a necessary reason to suffer. (more…)

  • 270: Leigh Martinuzzi | THY TV Why Series Part 1: What is The Hidden Why

    THY TV Why Series Part 1: What is The Hidden Why

    Goal – To Inspire You to Reconnect to Your Why

    The Hidden Why is designed to inspire and assist others to uncover their true Self. Our Hidden Why can be described as our soul, our essence or our core. It is our why. The reason we exist, our purpose.

    I believe for many of us, like myself previously, have become so conditioned or domesticated that we have over time covered our essence. We are become disconnected from our why. It is time to reconnect. It is time to remove the cobwebs and dust of the lens to allow our light to once again shine. (more…)

  • 264: Guy Finley| Soul Searching, Conditionless Freedom & Living Fearlessly by Letting Go


    Best-selling “Letting Go” author Guy Finley’s encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues – relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom – and lead the way to a higher life. He has also written “The Secret of Letting Go,” “The Essential Laws of Fearless Living” and 35 other major works that have sold over a million copies in 18 languages worldwide.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Finley is Director of Life of Learning Foundation, the non-profit self-realization school founded in 1992. The mission of Life of Learning Foundation is to sow the seeds of higher self-knowledge into every corner of the world. Our purpose is to help individuals realize enhanced levels of self-reliance through self-illumination, in order that the lingering dark states of fear, hatred, injustice, and intolerance have no place left to hide. Our long-term intention is that the day dawns when hearts and minds everywhere are free of limitations inherent in negative emotions such as anger, depression, anxiety, and stress, having been replaced by kindness, compassion, and the love of higher wisdom. (more…)

  • 261 Keith Callahan| The Beach Body Coach: From Bankruptcy to Living the Dream


    If you are looking for a mentor with all the credentials, all the degrees and all the esteemed letters after their name then you’ve come to the wrong place, that is not Keith Callahan. However, he is a mentor who has been there and done that, someone who has learned on the streets, someone who came from nothing and built his own way to financial freedom. Often the best people to learn from.

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    In this interview Keith shares his full story of how we became financially free and it wasn’t pretty in the beginning. Growing up Keith like many had the dream to get rich – his ego wanted everything that went with that, nice cars, homes etc. At a young age he started making serious cash in real estate with his business partner, fixing and selling homes. (more…)

  • 259: Brock Bowen | Expand Your Consciousness, Change Your Perspective, Live Life More Fully


    Brock Bowen is the Wizard Entrepreneur. He is a man who cares deeply about people, loves and admires those closest to him and is humbled and grateful for the opportunity to connect, empower and create magic and miracles for conscious entrepreneurs who are struggling with time, energy and money.


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    He is on a mission to help people design and live the lifestyle of their dreams so they can give their best to the people they love and make a positive contribution to the world. He loves mountain biking, nature walks, swimming, meditation, snuggles, travel, resorts and dancing around the house with his partner, Christie.

    He states that “It wasn’t until I defined my purpose that my life began to change.”


  • top 10 books of 2016

    Top 10 Best Books in 2016

    I am getting in early this year. Last year I released my top 10 books of 2015 with some delay. Review my 2015 top 10 podcast/blog here.

    Reading is powerful and in a couple of weeks I am going to share with you a guide on “How to Create a Healthy Reading Habit.” Make sure you keep your eye out for that one by subscribing to the THY newsletter here.

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    Today I will keep away from the positives of reading and the WHY and remain on purpose. The goal today is to bring you 10 of my favourite books from the year just passed.

    It is freaking hard to pick the top 10 considering I have read about 50 books this year. Not all have made it to be featured on The Hidden Why. In all honesty many I didn’t finish entirely. The ones that I do feature I genuinely love and reflect on to inspire others to read.

    Here goes. These are my top 10 for 2016, in no particular order, favourites books – the ones I absolutely loved.

    1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    2. A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas by Warren Berger – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    3. Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    4. See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    5. Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    6. The Mastery of Self: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom by don Miguel Ruiz Jr. – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    7. The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney and Sean Covey – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    8. The Tao of Seneca: Practical Letters from a Stoic Master, Volume 1 Seneca presented by Tim Ferriss Audio – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    9. When Awareness Becomes Natural: A Guide to Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Sayadaw U Tejaniya – Here is the Book Reflection Link
    10. Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance by Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel – Here is the Book Reflection Link

    You can review all my reflections on each of these using the links provided.

    Happy reading to you!

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    Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.

    Peace, passion and purpose…

    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

  • 256: Satyen Raja | Warrior Sage, Practices to Advance Your Greatness & Awaken Your Truth & Spirit


    Satyen Raja is the founder and president of WarriorSage, a living synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western practicality, combining the power of the warrior and the wisdom of the sage. WarriorSage help leaders and influencers make leaps with their sexuality and relationships, power and influence, money and complete freedom.


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    He is a lifetime black belt Martial Artist, a master in a plethora of healing and consciousness raising modalities and visionary thought leader. He has invested over three decades on hands-on research and teaching thousands of individuals internationally in the art of ‘true power to compel his clients to harness their greatest obstacles and transform them into their most powerful gifts. (more…)

  • Summary

    Jake Heilbrunn is the author of “Off the Beaten Trail: A Young Man’s Soul-Searching Journey Through Central America.” At eighteen, Jake entered college like millions of other high school graduates. But after developing a chronic skin condition and falling into depression, Jake realized staying in school didn’t align with his dreams. Listening to his inner voice and following his heart, he took a leap of faith, left school and hopped on a one-way flight to Guatemala.

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    His mission is to inspire and empower others to live a life of purpose and fulfilment through heeding their intuition, uncovering aspirations and becoming aware of their values. He writes a thought provoking blog post every Wednesday, on everything from solo travel and behavioural psychology to dropping out of college and living a remarkable, unconventional life.

    Jake shares his adventure, message of inspiration and lessons that will inspire you to take the action required to live the life you desire. Enjoy and please leave your comments and thoughts below. (more…)

  • 248: Book Reflections: The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie

    The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie

    What is your greatest fear?

    Can I suggest that public speaking is up their in your top 10. To some this might sound strange yet even the most rehearsed speakers have some nerves before speaking. Public speaking is one of the most common fears among people. Why?


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    Our fears are inbuilt and designed to protect us from self-harm. Fear brings upon us unpleasant emotions when we face danger, pain, or injury. Yet what is the worse thing that could happen when we speak in front of a crowd? (more…)

  • Summary

    “It’s about how you make people feel.” John Ruhlin

    John went from farm boy to the greatest sellers in Cutco’s 68-year history by understanding the value of gift giving and relationships. John will tell you, “how you love and treat people will open more doors than you can imagine.”

    John learnt the principles of generosity from “Attorney Paul,” and started selling the largest deals in Cutco’s history. Not only was he gifting knives but he was being asked to speak on stages around the country to teach sales and marketing teams how to build relationships in unconventional ways.

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    “It’s not the thought that counts, it’s the thoughtful thought.”


  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

    “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

    The word alchemy comes from the Greek word Khemeia that means “art of transmuting metals.” This is apparently an ancient art that people have been trying to work on for millennia with little success. Particularly the attempt to turn common metals into gold. This book is an inspiring story of a Shepard boy, Santiago, on his journey of life and like alchemy awakens his essence and turns it to gold.

    It has been a book on me to read list for some time and I am glad to have finally read it. Actually, it was one I was going to read but instead got an Audible copy to listen to. This book is a very suitable book to listen to in audio form as it tells a story. Non-fiction books and other educational books often are better in hard copy. It was also narrated by Jeremy Irons – a very suitable and enjoyable voice to listen to. You can 2 Free audio books when you trial Audible here today. 

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  • Summary

    Lisa Lahey, Ed.D. is the co-founding of Minds at work that helps individuals, teams and organizations make those personal & collective changes that are most important to them but have proved resistant to thoughtful plans and heartfelt intention. The mind, like the body, has its own immune system.


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    Dr. Robert Kegan and Dr. Lisa Lahey have spent the last 10 years developing and researching an award-winning coaching method based on their breakthrough discovery of a hidden dynamic called the “immunity to change”. This methodology helps people attain deeply sought changes by bringing this internal unconscious resistance to change to light. (more…)

  • 234: Derek Rydall | Creator of the Law of Emergence Let Life Happen Through You & Live Life Fully


    Part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is the author of EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change and the world’s #1 expert on the revolutionary Law of Emergence.


    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    He has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies in empowered leadership and communications, and has coached celebrities and media professionals on creating conscious entertainment. (more…)

  • 233: Book Reflections| Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

    Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday 

    “The ego is not master in its own house.” Sigmund Freud

    Is ego the enemy? I am in two thoughts on this and love books like this that help me questions topics like that on the ego at a higher altitude. Ryan Holiday author of The Obstacle Is the Way and fantastic book that I have also reviewed at The Hidden Why has done it again. His writing is brilliant. The topic is relatable and message important to all.

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    Ryan is a master of the writing and I understand that the process of writing mustn’t be an easy one even for someone that appears to do it so easily. His writing is without clutter and very purposeful. It is not highly technical making the process of reading smooth and messages shared more absorbable. In this book, Ryan speaks and shares reasons on why he believes ego is the enemy in three parts as it relates to our aspirations, successes and failures. (more…)

  • Disconnect to Reconnect and Find Greater Life Purpose, Clarity, Vision & Improved Relationships

    Disconnect to Reconnect and Find Greater Life Purpose, Clarity, Vision & Improved Relationships

    This has come up in various conversations and it is the idea that to really live a truer life, one that is our own, we first need to disconnect. The thought is twofold.

    We are all so bound to our computers and seem to spend a large amount of time online. Studies suggesting that up to and beyond 40 hours a week are being spent online. It is easy to understand why as there are many cool things happening in this space.

    Here inlays the problem. By spending too much time online rather than being the consumer of content we become ourselves consumed. Addicted! Now, addiction isn’t a disease nor should we treat it as one, it is a natural phenomenon of the human race. When we enjoy something we want more. The problem in my view is not being consumed in itself but how being consumed affects other aspects of our lives.

    If you are a business person or entrepreneur the risk of being consumed online is that you never gain traction and progression with your business which may actually be the original reason why you went there in the first place. The internet is swarming with a million and one ways to smash it online, from marketing to networking but the truth for most of us is that we get trapped in the web of what to do and what really works. We end up spending a lot of time moving in circles and getting no further ahead.

    This is why we need to disconnect. Switch off the internet, remove yourself from the chair in your office and get amongst life. Branch out to networking events and speak live with people. Start your own group and create a tribe that meets up to share and inspire one another. Get into nature, create some space and ask the bigger questions of life. Spend majority of your time offline and only go online when it makes business sense.

    Finally, to discover your why and to start walking your own path in life, a more meaningful life, you need to disconnect to reconnect. When you disconnect from your current reality you create space for you to connect within. This allows you to start listening to your heart. It allows you to gain some clarity, clear some space so that when you return you are refreshed and energised.

    Disconnecting happens too rarely. Going on holiday once a year is not enough. When we are forced to make change to a sudden change in circumstance. Often these are not the most ideal opportunities for the kind of disconnection we need. We need to do it daily. We need to switch off. We need to have weekly mini-vacations where we escape into nature, connecting with people and our tribes. This kind of disconnection is healthy. This kind of disconnection makes our lives that much more powerful when we reconnect.

    When will you next disconnect?

    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

  • The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace By Pedram Shojai

    The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace By Pedram Shojai

    The life we live today has changed dramatically to the life we lived 100 years ago. The truth of our existence now is overwhelm and rapid change. We are evolving at an increasing rate. Here inlays the battle, we are still human. The reality of this is the reason why we all need to pay more attention for if we don’t it will take away the beauty of what our existence is truly about.

    Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    What is life? How are we meant to live this life? Why am I here? What’s it all for? Questions that I ask myself often but only because I have hacked my life and in doing so created space to allow time for reflection. Do you have the time for yourself or do you find life passing by quick as you speed from one task to the next? Chasing one rabbit and only in catching it chasing the next for what you thought it would bring didn’t eventuate. This book will give you some insight into how to avoid some of these traps of life and how to stay grounded.


  • Leigh Martinuzzi| Thursday Thought: A Quick Thought On Happiness

    There are many techniques to help pull you from a low and this is one of them. I have and still do use it in down moments and have encouraged others to as well. The results are powerful!

    When you are feeling like nothing is going your way or that the universe is conspiring against you think back to a past happy memory. What was that moment? It may have been something recently or it may have been something many years ago. Perhaps a childhood thought. (more…)

  • 220: Leigh Martinuzzi | Does It Matter? A Though On Life & What's Important

    A very powerful question to ask in relation to life all the way down to the finer moment by moment situations. Does it matter? It is the subject at focus that can include bigger picture life topics or smaller task focused. Will all this matter at the end of your life?

    The answers and thoughts that are raised from this question will help you in your effectiveness in life. How? Think about what you are doing in life today. What is your main occupation or life objective and why? What is its purpose and does it matter? When you get to the end of your days why does it matter? (more…)

  • Epiphany Jordan


    Epiphany Jordan knows firsthand how skin hunger keeps us feeling alone, ashamed and isolated in our bodies. Over the past three years she has been studying both the biological mechanics of oxytocin and touch, and the cultural/social environment around it. Her Austin, Texas-based Karuna Sessions allows her to embody compassion, providing other humans with tangible emotional support and deep physical stress relief via platonic touch.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Epiphany takes a radical approach to whole body-health with immersive touch therapy, a protocol that allows clients to re-experience the feeling of being held as infants by their mothers. She can think of no greater service than providing her fellow humans an opportunity to feel nurtured, safe, and accepted in the arms of other people.

    It goes with out saying, in this episode we talk about the importance of touch. Leave your thoughts below and if you enjoyed it please share it with your network. Thanks! (more…)

  • Juju Hook


    “It’s better to stand out than fit in.”

    You’re in the right place if you’re looking to brand yourself or your company in an authentic and imaginative way. Juju Hook loves this stuff! In her words, “it turns me on.”

    “There’s nothing better than getting to know a new tribe and helping them find their shine. There’s nothing better than a ride toward success through the beautiful countryside of a well-mapped brand.”

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    For 25 years, Juju has been helping companies build brand identities so naturally she knows her shit when it comes to branding. Having stepped away from her corporate ambitions, she found herself immersed and absorbed in clients’ companies in a refreshing and honest way. She found her juju. She dug deep to help her client’s companies find it. (more…)

  • Daniel Rechtschaffen| Mindfulness Education In Our Schools and In Our Lives


    Daniel Rechtschaffen, a Marriage and Family Therapist, has a master’s degree in counseling psychology. He founded the Mindful Education Institute and the Omega Mindfulness in Education conference, has developed a variety of curricula for mindfulness in the classroom, and leads mindfulness trainings for schools and communities around the world.

    Adults need stress relief, well-being, focused attention, and the other benefits of mindfulness as much, or more, than students do. So when he integrates mindfulness into a schools, he begins with the adults.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250


  • 189: Michele Summers Colon | The Holistic Podiatrist discussing Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation


    A physician, surgeon, yoga health coach, author and overall health & wellness expert, Dr. Michele Summers Colon is known as The Holistic Podiatrist of Southern California and has been interviewed and quoted in many prominent publications.

    One of Dr. Michele’s greatest strengths is her ability to combine the best of Eastern and Western medicine to treat the whole patient and create individualized treatment plans, yoga sequences, and meal plans for her clients and patients.

    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250


  • 200: Leigh Martinuzzi| A Heart Centred Approach to Directing the Life We Desire

    A Heart Centred Approach to Directing the Life We Desire

    Why I believe it is more important to use our emotions to direct our lives rather than our  logic. There must be a need for balance in both however I do feel that our emotions, our heart, will guide us more truly towards the life we desire. I also understand that being guided by our emotions is not always and easy thing to do.

    Discover Your Why! Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Emotions are powerful! Some of us have more powerful emotions that others. We can use them to guide us, and often do however, if we can better reflect on them, without any attachment we are able to use them to make greater decisions to enhance the quality of our lives.


  • Kris Reid | How to Publish Quality Content and Master SEO with the Coolest Guy in SEO!


    Kris Reid is a Software Engineer, SEO master and Entrepreneur. A few years ago while backpacking the globe, Kris decided to build an online game.  As the completion day came near, he thought it would be a good idea to learn how to market it – if anyone else is ever going to play it. So, he started studying how Google works and learned about Search Engine Optimisation.

    He quickly discovered how important backlinks are – not just any backlinks, but quality backlinks with relevant and compelling content on powerful industry-specific websites.

    Then, he set out to build the perfect service to provide just that – high-quality backlinks with compelling content on industry-specific websites. Fast forward a few years later, he now has a permanent office in the Philippines and a successful company called Ardor Media Factory. (more…)

  • Gary van Warmerdam| On Releasing Suffering, Creating a Greater Mindset & Living with Greater Happiness


    “Self Awareness leads to Self Mastery, Self Mastery leads to the personal power to choose Happiness”


    Gary van Warmerdam combines the wisdom spiritual traditions have in eliminating suffering with common sense in a way that is both practical and effective. Gary has studied with best selling author of The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz since 1994.

    His experiences include spiritual journeys worldwide and many trips exploring the teachings of ancient Mexico.  He co-developed and taught the Four Agreements Facilitators training at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY and the Crossings in Austin Texas.


  • Let Your Heart Be Your Guide to How You Live Your Life

    Let Your Heart Be Your Guide to How You Live Your Life

    Just like you heart pumps life around the body so does it create thoughts and emotions that direct how we live our life. I believe that my heart has been something I have often left behind in favour of logic or thought that has caused misdirection in my own life. If the heart is the true centre of our thoughts and emotions, and the most direct connection to our soul then perhaps we should listen to it more. If the heart is love, then love I would guess would be a much more powerful guide to one’s life than anything else.

    I am no love expert but I know that my heart has been a worthier guide in my life than logic has ever been. Perhaps logic has kept me safe in certain situations and there have been many a time that I’ve done, spontaneously so, actions that haven’t been the wisest. Decisions in life are not always easy. Some people struggle over the decision of what to wear or eat, or how to muster the energy to get out of bed. These can seem like simple decisions to make, yet they can all have consequence to some level in our lives.


  • Darren LaCroix | 2001 World Toastmaster Champion, Dream, Inspire & Speak Your Way To Success


    “What would you dare to dream if you knew you couldn’t fail?” Brian Tracy

    After a failed business in 1992, Darren LaCroix took the stage in a Boston comedy club and bombed miserably. It was horrible. The headliner that night told him to “keep his day job.” Friends told him that his dream of making people laugh for a living was crazy and stupid. He didn’t listen.

    He may have been born without a funny bone in his body, but he possessed the desire to learn and the willingness to fail. These were the essentials for achieving his dream. He says, Effort + Direction = Mastery.

    In 2001, Darren LaCroix out-spoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to become the World Champion of Public Speaking. Darren now travels the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful presentation. (more…)

  • Book Reflections| The Big Five: Five Simple Things You Can Do to Live a Longer, Healthier Life

    The Big Five: Five Simple Things You Can Do to Live a Longer, Healthier Life by Dr. Sanjiv Chopra


    I believe we need to keep an open mind in life with everything we approach. This book is one of those. When anyone tells me to do something specific in order to live longer, not that it happens everyday, I don’t jump all in. I instead seek to understand, remain open to the facts and my own experiences, assess and reflect on my own thoughts and assumptions, and then decide on what beliefs I will create.

    Dr. Chopra shares five things that we can all do to extend our lives. The include drinking coffee, taking vitamin D, exercising, eating nuts, and meditating. If you have experience with any one of these, you will likely to be able to draw your own conclusions as to the benefits they have in your life. If you are not familiar you may just make assumptions based on your current knowledge level and thoughts. If that is the case this book makes for a very insightful read.

    It might sound like I am blowing this book off, I am not. I really enjoyed this read and with my hand on my heart openly admit I have started drinking more coffee as a consequence, and perhaps a few more nuts. In no way does this book promote excess. Actually excess will really be determined by your current level of intake. If you currently drink 10 cups of coffee a day then Dr. Chopra’s view that 4-6 may be beneficial may cause you to reduce your intake. On exercise also, he doesn’t claim that the more exercise you do the better off you are but that just doping exercise will be beneficial.

    Discover your Hidden Why – Jump on the Discovery Call


  • Tristan Patrick| Create Confident Habits to Allow You to Live a Life on Your Own Terms


    Meet Tristan, passionate about finding the confident habits that let you live life on your own terms: To be happier, overcome your inner fears, and be more productive. He has made it his mission to study psychology and neuroscience, to find the routines that really work.

    It started with a selfish 20 year self-discovery journey, but in the process he learnt such great lessons that he decided to share with others in his blog, Confident Habits. Taking what he learns, add the findings from his own experiments, and translate it all into easy and practical steps.

    In this episode Tristan share how you can follow your passion while still working in your current career and why this act can help bring more passion into your life. We talk about 5 practical things we can all implement into our lives to help us grow our confidence and success, and even discuss ideas on how to start your own blog.

    Enjoy this chat and please leave me your comments below. Peace, passion and purpose.

     Discover your Hidden Why – Jump on the Discovery Call (more…)

  • Raj Raghunathan| If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy


    Dr. Raj Raghunathan studies the impact that people’s judgments and decisions have on their own happiness and fulfillment. Based on his research, he teaches a very successful course on Happiness around the world.

    Fifteen years after getting his MBA, Raj Raghunathan spent some time with his old classmates. He noticed that though they’d all done well, there didn’t appear to be much correlation between their academic success and career success. What Raj found even more curious was the even smaller correlation between career success and what he calls life success. The greater the career success, the more unhappy, out of shape, harried and distracted his friends were.

    If intelligence helps with decision-making, smart people should naturally make better life choices. So why are so many of the smartest, brightest, most successful people profoundly unhappy? This lead him to researching and writing, If Your So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy? (more…)

  • Choose Yourself! by James Altucher

    Written and Narrated by Leigh Martinuzzi – originally published Aug 15, 2014


    James Altucher is a quirky dude. Operating under many tittles, Hedge Fund Manager, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Author and Podcaster, I appreciate him for his unique perspectives, ability to think outside the box and his way of vulnerable self-expression. With over 20 books under his belt, this is perhaps one of his more popular ones with a title that has a nice hook – who doesn’t want to choose themselves, be happy, make millions and live the dream?


  • Nick Williams | Your Hero’s Journey & Discovering the Work You Were Born to Do.


    After leaving his corporate job Nick immersed himself in the world of thought leadership in the areas of personal and spiritual growth, creative expression and inspired business and leadership. Initially he did this through his involvement with Alternatives at Saint James’s in Piccadilly where he got to meet and host many of the leading voices on the planet. Then he began to find his own voice and thought leadership through speaking, coaching and ultimately writing.

    His thought leadership has been born out of his own personal experience, struggles and triumphs. As he has pioneered in his own life in the areas of work, success, power, inspiration, creativity, entrepreneurship, fear and now leadership, he has now written about what has worked for him. (more…)

  • 181: Travis Bell | Living a Life by Your Bucket-List, Discovering Your Purpose, & Living Life Fully


    Over the past 20 years, Travis Bell (Trav) has been involved in the personal fitness training industry. Starting with 1 client, Trav built a personal training business that did over 1 million personal training sessions with a team who motivated 10’s of 1000’s of clients across Australia.

    But rather than just help people achieve their health goals, Trav was also personally called upon by clients to help them achieve goals in the other areas of their lives. Trav’s superpower is his unique ability to get people from where they are now to where they want to be.


  • 179: Jen Synder | Helping Women Create Flexibility & Freedom Through Online Business.


    After 27 years in the Real Estate Industry, she quit. Meet Jen Synder!

    When she quit she became very miserable! She hated that industry, hated her mission, hated their mission. Burnt out, she didn’t feel like she was doing anything to help people. She discovered that her calling in life is to help people.

    For the last year before she quit she had this idea that kept nagging at her. Thats when things changed. Now she has 3 kids and for the last 10 years has been self-employed. That means I have almost always been there when my kids need me. What if I could teach other women how to do this? How to make an income from home so they could have the flexibility and freedom to be with their kids? (more…)

  • 78: The Prosperous Coach: Increase Income and Impact for You and Your Clients

    The Prosperous Coach: Increase Income and Impact for You and Your Clients by Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin

    Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen. Pete Carroll


    Are you a coach or interested in starting a coaching practice? If so, this is a fantastic place to start. What I really enjoyed about this book is clutter free and a no bullshit guide to coaching. The authors describe it as a book for those already earning 6 figures and up from their coaching business or those just starting out. As a coach myself I found it tremendously insightful and would listening to again. And no matter your experience as a coach there is always something new to learn.

    I listened to this as an Audio book and that was narrated by the authors themselves, which I like as I think it helps keep the messages true. Each chapter is brief and to the point, almost like a dot form presentation – no extra fluff needed. (more…)

  • Ed Tate| Toast Masters World Champion, 2000 on Motivation, Mindset, Leadership, Speaking & Sales


    For 14 years, Ed was a successful national account executive, selling over $500 million in products and services to corporations and entrepreneurs throughout the United States. He also co-created two business units that produced more than $1.25 billion in revenue.

    Along with making a name for himself in the sales world, Ed became popular in the speaking arena. In 2000, Ed won the coveted Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking, finishing ahead of 175,000 members from 70 countries.

    Today, Ed inspires groups at large corporate events, small- and mid-sized workshops, and online training sessions. He speaks and trains in these areas: motivation, leadership, management, change, and sales.

    We discuss a great deal in this episode, well worth listening in. Enjoy! Peace, passion and purpose. (more…)

  • Book Reflections| The Buddha in Me, The Buddha in You: A Handbook For Happiness

    The Buddha in Me, The Buddha in You: A Handbook for Happiness by David Hare

    This book is another great book with insights into how to live with greater happiness. It shares the teachings and wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism coupled with a coach’s insight and philosophy on personal development. If you are looking to connect with your authentic truth, looking for greater purpose and meaning in life with techniques to assist you in unlocking your potential to live a full, rich and happy life – this book is well worth the read.


  • Don Miguel Ruiz Jr| Achieving Personal Freedom & Optimal Physical & Spiritual Health.


    At the age of 14, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr. and his grandmother, Madre Sarita. From that early age, he was called upon to translate Madre Sarita’s prayers, lectures and workshops from Spanish into English. Through interpreting for Madre Sarita, don Miguel Jr. came to understand the power of faith.

    Don Miguel Jr.’s apprenticeship lasted 10 years. When he reached his mid-20’s, his father intensified his training. At the apex of this powerful journey don Miguel said to his eldest son, “Find your way out. Go home and master Death by becoming alive.”


  • 169: Susanna Halonen | The 5 Key Elements to Mastering Happiness, Passion & Your Success


    “Be you because everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde


    Susanna Halonen is the one and only Happyologist. Her mission is to teach others to find happiness from within so they can succeed in their career, relationships and life. She is an accredited life coach, a positive psychology practitioner and a published researcher. She is also the author of columnist for Huffington Post and has held keynote talks at numerous conferences including three TEDx events.

    Having mastered the science of happiness both literally and personally. She left an unhappy corporate life to complete a Masters of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and to become a qualified life coach. She quit pessimistic thinking and trained herself to become an optimist. Along the way, coining the title ‘Happyologist’.


  • 168: Book Reflections| See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar

    See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar

    “It is your attitude, not aptitude, that will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar.


    This is one of Zig’s greatest seminars that has been captured live and now presented as an audio master piece. If you are looking to shake up your life and gain some traction for success this is a great place to start. Zig shares so much gold it is sometimes hard to keep up. I can tell you one thing, you will finish this audio feeling like you can accomplish anything in life.

    A master of story telling, Zig communicates his messages with great simplicity and clarity always using humour to motivate and inspire us to achieve greatness. This guy is the king of story telling and with each story there is a powerful message that will assist us all in getting to the top.


  • 167: Leigh Martinuzzi| 3 Minute Thought: Turning Negativity Into Positivity

    “Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” Napoleon Hill.


    In this episode I discuss how we can go about turning our negative thoughts in to more powerful positive thoughts.

    The key is to seek out and look for the opportunities and value in every situation we are in. If you approach it with this mindset you are going to get the most out of each moment even when you don’t totally like it.

    There are opportunities and learnings no matter that situation that can be turned into favourable gold. Have a listen and let me know your thoughts below.

  • Why a Life of Fulfilment & Freedom Will Raise Our Happiness. Fact or Fiction?

    Why a Life of Fulfilment & Freedom Will Raise Our Happiness. Fact or Fiction?

    I am my own happiness. I am my own life’s fulfilment and for that I continue the search. I seek constantly to discover, unlock and connect more deeply with my soul. What I have learnt as I venture further towards truth and the meaning of life is that real fulfilment is not an easy feat however it is possible for all of us.

    You see the idea of fulfilment in our current world has been twisted and distorted to a point now where we no longer even understand what true fulfilment looks and feels like. Having travelled so far down a path away from how life should actually be we now look for superficial ways to greater fulfilment. Nowadays, for many, fulfilment is like fiction – an imaginary, dreamy place that doesn’t truly exist. The fact however is that it does exist!

    Fulfilment is the achievement, attainment or realisation of something. This may be something we desire – a goal, something promised or something predicted. We become satisfied and fulfilled when these are realised. The issue that is commonly found is that even when such things are achieved, one’s level of happiness is not certain to rise. Actually, often it leaves us feeling more empty than we set out.

    The successful are not the happiest people alive. Why? It is because while they may have riches and possessions that many of us believe are the prize in life, they are simply not fulfilled. One study suggests that while the successful might be in a greater position to obtain happiness due to their circumstances that they are in fact only on average 10% happier than the rest of us.

    I recently listened to an interview that Tim Ferriss did with Tony Robbins that became my motivation for writing this post. Now, if you think of Tony, what do you believe? I assume majority of you reading this know of him and likely you would perceive him to be totally in control, happy and fulfilled.

    Naturally we base our perceptions on what we see. He has built an empire with revenues this year of over $5 billion, he constantly travels the world speaking and inspiring mass audiences and he does what he wants. In this interview Tony shares his spiritual journey and his awakening to fulfilment in life. He shares a few stories and examples to emphasise his point but what really hit me was that even Tony is still on a quest to really define his own life’s fulfilment.

    Just to clarify, I think Tony is likely very stable and in life, however, the idea that he still raises that age old questions, “what’s it all for?”, makes me satisfied and further convinced that it doesn’t make a lick of difference of all your successes, all your achievements, all your possession, if you’re re not first fulfilled all this stuff means bugger all.

    We have created a society obsessed with superficial happiness. For much of my 20’s I was apart of that and my chase was all about money, possessions, and extrinsic experiences and feelings. I was dissolved in how I thought life was meant to be lived and I was no happier. I made this discovery not by choice but by force and it is one of the grandest things ever to have happened to me.

    I began to unlock myself from the chains of society, I began to disconnect from everything I once believed and everything I thought I knew. The drive towards more short-term superficial happiness started to fade and the real driving force kicked in – freedom!

    The journey this has led me on has been absolutely eye opening. My values remain the same but my beliefs on how to live them have almost back flipped, and they continue to do so. My essence has not changed, my essence always existed even within the chase, however, it is no longer being covered or masked by behaviours that are non-conducive to the connection with my authenticity. This is allowing me to further express, expose and uncover my full potential.

    The lessons that I will share with you should not be taken as universal fact, as they are not. They are however fact to me as I base them on what I have experienced including how and why they have helped me to continually and gradually reach more happiness and fulfilment in life.

    I don’t believe fulfilment in life is fiction, I don’t believe it’s saved only for a select few of us, I don’t believe it is reached by following the status quo nor is it the path that society has created. I believe that to reach fulfilment in your own life you have to walk your own path. I believe that to gain greater meaning and happiness in life that you have to start searching internally within.

    “True success, true happiness lies in freedom and fulfillment.” Dada Vaswani


    For most of my teenage life and my early 20’s I searched for love. I grew up from a loving family, beautiful family and three elder brothers that I admire, look up to and love deeply. Love was all around me until I delved more into my independence. At times I felt so lonely that I felt depressed – poetry that I wrote from that period reflect my anger and sorrow. My belief was that to be happier I needed to find love, I needed to be loved.

    Low and behold I found it. I meet an amazing girl who to this day I am still with. My happiness with her is great but life has a way of levelling out. We had the initial lovers hi. As selfish as this seems the request and demand to be loved did not and still does not give me any heightened level of happiness.

    I was career hungry. In my teens I was a hippie at heart yet in my 20’s there I was in the cooperate arena, working for the man as an executive manager across various companies. The money was huge, more than I really knew what to do with and I had all the physical possession I desired. I use to buy shit just for the sack of buying shit. I bought I set of golf clubs once with all the bells and whistles and 8 years later I thought of selling it, never once used, other than for the occasional cane toad cull.

    “There is no fulfillment in things whatsoever. And I think one of the reasons that depression reigns supreme amongst the rich and famous is some of them thought that maybe those things would bring them happiness. But what, in fact, does is having a cause, having a passion. And that’s really what gives life’s true meaning.” Ben Carson


    Possessions raise levels of happiness, temporarily. I had two cars, several properties and money in the bank. Today I don’t own any of them and while I still value the experiences money can bring I no longer base my happiness on it, rather I base my happiness on freedom.

    Too often do we look externally for happiness yet the answers are never there. If you seek happiness from love you will continually seek love. The answer is to give love and not half-heartedly but fully and unconditionally. This is a human need that must be nourished. Happiness in life is not gained through what we take from the world but rather through what we give.

    Externally we try heal our pain and suffering by material possessions. We invest in Kardashian branded make-up, Gucci watches, fast cars that stroke our ego and attempt to raise our status – and they may. However, what they don’t do is make as any more fulfilled in life. They don’t bring any long-term happiness and they don’t bring with them more freedom, actually I think they often restrict our freedom locking us into the system making it hard to escape.

    I try live my life as a minimalist now and still find myself tempted in the act of consumption, buying stuff that I don’t need, and when I catch myself must slap myself in the face. I know longer make the money I used to yet I still remain in the top 1% of income earners globally. For this I remain grateful. I have everything I need and own less. I have more freedom, I am more fulfilled and in that I am happier.

    Status and position no longer are my concern. I would suggest no one needs worry about this. My message is all about living life with greater passion and purpose. I learnt that extrinsically a job, a tittle, status was all mastery in disguise. I have learnt that doing what I love, following a passion or passions has allowed me to develop greater mastery. All the other stuff was externally motivated and pleasing whereas now its directed inwardly.

    Motivation that is more intrinsic leads to greater personal growth and development. It takes you closer towards a life that is living within your true potential. Like love or the need for social connections, constant and continual growth is another critical human need. Without it life will be without meaning. You will exist but you will never truly live.

    Happiness is found in following your passions in life not in superiority of status. Superiority seeks to demand respect and admiration among others yet in following your passions you will create that following not demand it.

    “By virtue of being born to humanity, every human being has a right to the development and fulfillment of his potentialities as a human being.” Ashley Montagu


    The fundamental driving force behind all human beings is freedom and if it is not in your life yet, it needs to be! Freedom comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. One pair of pants will not fit everyone just as one mould of life will not satisfy everyone. If it is happiness that you truly seek the first step is to understand this and the second step is to unchain yourself. Start to discover the life that fits you.

    Freedom is not found within the Latte’ you drink nor is it found in the porn you watch; they may raise your level of happiness momentarily as like many stimulants they release our instinctual happy chemicals. However, happy chemicals like any drug don’t last forever. Freedom wont be found in your next pay cheque, it wont lay beyond that next promotion, freedom will only be found when you awaken your soul and start living in alignment.

    All humans value autonomy, we all crave the ability to be entirely in control of our own lives. Society is created to control us not the other way around. However, the fact is that our reality is created by our perception of it and our perception is 90% created from our own brain – our beliefs and our thoughts.

    As humans we attempt to control everything that is external without any efforts to control ourselves internally. The truth is, that which is external to your control can not be controlled by your, only influenced, and if you are not internally in control first, your ability to influence it will be weakened. Control only raises happiness when what you seek to control is directly inwardly.

    In summary, fulfilment in life is possible for all of us. It is not and should not be left only as a dream – it should be instead what we all strive for. If you seek fulfilment and freedom you will immediately begin to raise your level of happiness in life. Long term fulfilment comes by working on the inside, it comes from personal growth, love, connection and passion for what you do. It means that we must stop looking externally and directly ourselves internally.

    Raj Raghunathan, the author of The How of Happiness and the Myths of Happiness, suggests that 10% of our happiness is our circumstances, 50% is our genetic make-up and the remaining 40% has to do with our values, attitudes and habits. If then we can be more grateful for our circumstances, and most of us should be because we have circumstances that exceed majority of the worlds population, we may raise our happiness. Next, we can continually work internally on ourselves through constant personal development – this will further improve our happiness and fulfilment in life.

    For the 50% attributed to our genetic make-up, I don’t believe we can use that as a scape goat for living an unfulfilled life. Science has proven more and more through epigenetics that we can actually influence our genes. This research relates to the studies of how we can alter our genes without disrupting our DNA. And without the need detailing this it is essentially affected by the lifestyles we choose.

    There is no excuse not to live a fulfilled life. If you are craving more to life, if you a feeling life is currently lacking, if you are truly wanting to live the life you desire, one that is totally aligned and congruent with your truth and authenticity then you can make it happen. The responsibility is all yours. No one will hand it to you, you have to find it. Once you begin you will begin to notice the effects immediately.

    “Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.” Tony Robbins

  • Book Reflections| Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance

    Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel


    I open my heart to the deep well of happiness inside me.

    I release the illusions of my smaller self and connect with my bigger self instead.

    I realise I can be more and achieve more.

    I see the Buddha in me and in others.

    The more I read the more I discover how popular the East meeting the West is becoming. This book is one of them. Soul Over Matter delves into Eastern techniques and principles that can help us heal our soul and in doing so allow us to create more abundance in business and in life.

    I fell immediately in love with many of the authors thoughts. The principles were also great however some are very new to me. I felt at first that they were strange and this is because they are not practices that I have grown up with or experienced. Techniques such as chanting and tracing for example.


  • In my teen years and my early adult life, I was dreamy about early retirement. I thought if I just pushed myself hard today, sacrifice, work hard, hustle and do what ever it takes that by the time I was 50 I could retire. Retirement for me meant to sit back and do nothing.

    Do nothing? What does that look like? As I reflect back on my journey, I have to laugh. I am the most impatient and most incapable person of doing nothing. I get bored easily and find it very hard to sit still. This was my goal to retire extra early than the then average age of retirement so that I could do nothing.

    Retirement is an invitation to die. The word actually means ‘to be put on the shelf’. Traditionally we would do so once we were no longer capable of doing the type of work we did. Back in the day what we did was very physically. Today it is not.

    Life is magically and the more I venture on my journey of personal development and transformation the further I discover my true self and what life really means. Retirement is not what I desire nor is it a goal, its actually something I wish to avoid at all costs.

    Retirement to me means being restricted from doing everything I truly want to do. Freedom on the other hand is the opposite, the ability to think, say and do exactly how I want, when I want. Freedom is the new retirement and this is now what give me purpose and the driving force behind everything I do.

    If I knew what I know now when I was 20 I would have already retired. Correction! I would be living much more freely at an earlier age. Here are my lessons that I have discovered so far that have helped me live more freely and essentially retiring the thought of retiring.

    Find Your Passion, Act with Passion.

    My first discovery I made as I began to break free from the mould of society has created and was to start following my passions. Not always possible, I know. We have basic needs that need to be meet and there are certain activities today that are necessary for us to upkeep these needs.

    However, you can nurture your passions on the side. I have found when you do this you not only get excited once again about life but your side passions actually become infectious to other aspects of your life.

    Generally, doing what we are passionate about make us happy. Happiness is a powerful emotion and hard to beat down by others. When you return to doing those shitty tasks or that work you simply don’t enjoy, you will find them more bearable. It is important to keep following your passion consistently to keep that feeling alive. You may just find by doing this you will eventually create a vehicle that will allow you to do it full time.

    Also, it must be noted that even if you don’t enjoy certain aspects of your life that you can’t quickly get rid of, you can add little injection of passion to them. Instead of thinking ‘why me’, ‘why am I doing this’, ‘how long will this go on for’, start thinking about how you can create value from each situation. How could you enjoy the activity more? Passion can be created in anything!

    Do What You Love, Today.

    To me retirement meant sacrificing life today to do what I love later, in retirement. For many of us this is the case. We do the grind. We wake, rush to work, log on, log off, come home, retire from the day with mindless activities and then repeat. We do this continually for years without even knowing what for. We, society, have created this system to allow us to cope with this mundane existence. If you are fortunate early on in life you will realise this and you will commit to making change.

    Doing what you love today matters. What is important to you? Is it working your job, spending time with family, writing, making great food to share with others, playing with the kids, staying back late in the office? Often we neglect what we love in sacrifice for pleasing others however the true discovery I have made in the last few years is that doing what I love is fundamentally what it means to be free.

    If then I can do what I love everyday from now until the end of my days I will be freer, it will be like retirement everyday. What I realised is that I don’t even need much to do many of those things I love. Often we think we need more, more money, more time, more whatever, but this is simply not the case. You can schedule time everyday to do those things you love.

    By doing the things I love I have found I have increased the time I have for doing more of these things, I have raised my happiness levels and have been in a better position to serve others more. Truly powerful stuff.

    Stop Working for Money, Work for Freedom.

    Working for money is simply a means to an end. Working for freedom is much more. If you consider your work is to just earn money, then you are likely to attach belonging to that money. By belonging I mean that you belong to it – this means money owns you. This is not what you want as when this happens its much harder to escape the grind.

    Money is seen as necessary to pay the rent, mortgage, help buy food, pay for fuel, give you some entertainment activities, cable TV, movies, dinners, drink and help you buy stuff that raises a short-term mood of happiness. When you work for money, money doesn’t work for you, you work for it, remember that.

    Start instead seeing work as a method to grow your levels of freedom in life. When we work we exchange time for money. You can get more money but never more time therefore its important to assess and understand what that exchange looks like in your personal situation.

    If the money you earn is used to buy you more shit which only holds you back and locks you into the job it’s a pointless exchange. If, however you are using the money to raise your level of freedom by investing it, then the time for money exchange will be more appreciated.

    If the reason you work is to give you more freedom today, then you are proceeding with purpose. If its not than what’s it all for? Seriously, is it really all worth it?

    Be Grateful for Who You Are and What You Have

    Greater freedom has been realised in my life as I begun to accept myself more for who I am and become more grateful for all that I have. In the rat race of life towards retirement people forget who they are. They become driven by their ego, they become obsessed with comparing themselves to others. The ‘my dick is bigger than yours’ mentality. It’s a lost cause. Competition is grand but only when its directed inwardly towards yourself.

    There is not one other person that exists like you. There is not one other who has had the same upbringing or currently living with the same circumstances. Comparing yourself will not help you progress, it will defeat you. It may even provide you benchmarks that you may truly exceed if you didn’t compare.

    Your uniqueness is all that matters. Your soul has been shut off by years of domestication. Its time to resuscitate your soul. Let go of what drives you for superficial enhancement and start connecting more deeply with your soul.

    Finally, you need to realise all that already have by becoming grateful. When we live for everything we don’t have, all those things we desire, wish for, and think we need, we suffer. This behaviour sets us up for greater disappointment, stress, unhappiness and can often leave us felling more empty. It can even lead us to giving up the chase of our dreams.

    It is better to be grateful for all that you have both within you and externally. I realised that I have much more than majority of the worlds population already, most of us in the west do, and for that I am grateful. This allows me to be happier and content with life. It allows greater clarity that assists me to continue the focus on my life goals.

    Don’t be Elated by Prosperity, or Grieve in Decline.

    The practice of being grateful will help this process. Our character can change in moments of prosperity and in times of poverty how ever extreme these may be. If we can become more consistent, no matter the situation we face, we will feel and live with greater freedom.

    Gratitude’s helps us realise what we have even when we are in poverty. By adopting a fasting practice in any aspect of life we will be able to deal with such situations when they strike us unexpectedly. This practice means limiting something in your life that you take for granted for a period of time – like not eating for 2 days every so often.

    If you are like me I get very excited by certain events or when things have gone favourably my way. Sometimes to extremely so. What I have learnt is that what goes up must go down. Some people have life in greater balance than I yet I have learnt to take prosperity and decline with more calmness.

    When things are great I am pumped but when they vanish or become more of a struggle to obtain I can become stressed, depressed, negative and just not very nice to be around. Yet now know that I still have everything I desire no matter the circumstance. In this state I can to progress towards more of the life I desire with greater ease.

    If you are struggling in life. If you are looking to live more freely. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then its time to break free. You don’t have to accept life as it is anymore but you have to be willing and committed to taking action. We all have the power to be free spirits and not only is this our right but its our responsibility.

    You will uncover magic as you start retiring or freeing yourself from your current existence. You have not been given this life to simply exist, you have been given this life to truly live. To truly live means doing whatever it is you desire – an existence obtainable by us all. Why wait until your 60 to start living when you can start living today?

    Retirement is here for us all now, it comes in the form of freedom. If more and more of what you do in life is for the purpose of creating more freedom, then I believe you will be winning. You will really start living.




  • Linda Bloom | Why GRIT and Perseverance is Key To More Love, Better Relationship & Happiness


    Linda Bloom, LCSW, is a seminar leader, author, psychotherapist, consultant, and expert in the field of human relations. She and her husband, Charlie Bloom, have been working with individuals, couples, and groups throughout the country and internationally since 1975.

    She is coauthor, with Charlie Bloom, of 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married: Simple Lessons to Make Love Last, which has sold more than 100,000 copies, Secrets of Great Marriages: Real Truth from Real Couples about Lasting Love, and Happily Ever After… and 39 Other Myths about Love. (more…)

  • Zen Debrucke | Your Inner GPS, Teacher, Speaker, & Coach on Optimal Happiness, Health & Satisfaction


    Zen Cryar DeBrücke is the author of Your Inner GPS. She is an internationally renowned teacher, speaker, and coach whose programs have helped people all over the world transform their personal and business lives for the better.

    How can I stop feeling so stressed out by life? What is my purpose? Why am I here?

    Each of us is born with access to a powerful tool called an Internal Guidance System (IGS).  Not unlike the GPS system that is built into cars, its purpose is to guide us through our lives by letting us know whether our thoughts and actions are moving us closer to, or further away from, the things we most want to create in our lives. (more…)

  • 145: Leigh Martinuzzi | Keep It Simple Stupid – The KISS Philosophy

    “If you cant explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein.


    We as humans have a tendency to complicate things. When I refer to things I really refer to all aspects of life, our mind, our thoughts, our voice, our actions and our behaviours. We are so good at it that in fact we have become less effective and when we are less effective we are not as good as living life as it is meant to be lived – with peace, passion and purpose.

    Here are my thoughts on why we complicate things:

    1.     When we don’t receive the rewards that we desire we add more to the mix. More things to do in hope more will bring greater results. In this sense more is more, when in fact more is less. (more…)

  • 144: Tom Corley | The Keystone Habits That Seperate the Rich From The Poor, Actions That Will Raise Your Success


    Tom Corley understands the difference between being rich and poor: at age nine, his family went from being multi-millionaires to broke in just one night, due to a catastrophic fire that destroyed his Dad’s thriving business. For fourteen years they struggled with poverty. Due to this Tom had a limited mindset when it came to money and wealth.

    Driven by the desire to unlock the secrets to success and failure, Tom spent five years studying the daily activities of 233 rich people and 128 poor people. He discovered that there was an immense difference between the habits of the rich and poor. During his research he identified over 300 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.” Tom decided to write a book, Rich Habits, that went on to become an Amazon Bestseller in the United States. He has written 2 more since then called, Rich Kids and Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.

    Naturally, in this episode we discuss these habits. The behaviors and activities that will determine the level of success you have in life. Two keystone habits we discuss are daily self-improvement and the importance of quality relationships. We also discuss the difference between dream setting and goal setting.

    I had so many questions to ask Tom and while what we covered is gold there is certainly more to discover. I will have to get him back on the show. Please enjoy this chat and until next time, peace, passion and purpose.


  • 143: Book Reflections| The Tao of Seneca: Volume 1 - Great Stoic Philosophy

    The Tao of Seneca: Volume 1

    “True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” Seneca


    Philosophy has the power to change our lives. Past leaders of philosophy share so much timeless wisdom that can help shift our perspectives on life and all that exists within and in doing so change the way we interact with it. This series are letters from Seneca, a great Stoic philosopher, bought to you by Tim Ferriss and narrated by John A. Robinson.




    Leigh Martinuzzi (aka The Hidden Why Guy) has been engaging and inspiring audiences to not only to discover their why, but to live their why with his mix of highly passionate and empowering Keynote Presentations.

    He’s an expert in lifestyle & business design. He dislikes seeing others living a dissatisfying life so he helps people transition from living a life they hate to living a life they love.

    Life is not niche, it is complex, but this doesn’t mean how we live life needs to be complicated. For that reason Leigh speaks on a wide array of topics, from spirituality to business and productivity.

    Leigh is the expert in the areas of relationships, growth, significance, action, contribution, health, passion and purpose. He shows people how to connect with their Hidden Why which then becomes their Life Compass.

    The Life Compass is a navigational tool for life and business that allows more purposeful action towards living with greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness.

    Leigh is highly motivational, passionate, energetic and not only does he know his topics but he is living them. He is curios, open and continues to learn realistic approaches to lifestyle/business design that work. Leigh’s communication style has been described as simple, humble, fun and action orientated, a quality that makes Leigh very approachable.


    PASSION          ENERGY          REALISTIC          PURPOSE          BREATHES IT          CUSTOMISED          CURIOUS         COMPASSION



    “Leigh is an outstanding and charismatic speaker. He is engaging and truly cares about his audience. His ability to use real-life examples and talk about change is exactly what everyone needs to hear. Getting down to “why” we make the choices we make in life is important when trying to access how we can grow and Leigh is an expert in this area. His willingness to get to know the organization and customize his presentation to the group makes a huge difference in the level of impact. If you’re looking for a dynamic speaker on the topics of personal development, productivity, and positive habit forming, Leigh is the person to hire!” Aleesha Nash

    “Leigh has wonderful speaking capabilities that keeps his audience engaged and captivated. The combination of his well thought out content and talent for speaking make his topics very relevant and personal. He comes off to his audience as a very friendly, knowledgeable, and focused individual that has a great passion behind his content. He inspires and motivates his listeners which is what keeps them coming back for more of his fantastic work. Keep up the great work, Leigh!” Sarah Sudduth

    “I am pleased and honoured to express my gratitude to Leigh Martinuzzi for his initiative with The Hidden Why programme. Leigh is an inspiring speaker with stories of success, learnings, experiences to help others live an enriching life. I found his talk to be very helpful for youths like me to see the choices in life, think through different options, learn insightful suggestions to imbibe within ourselves to live a hopeful life.” Bharath Nataraj

    “Leigh is an eloquent passionate speaker that can hold his audience, at times spell bound and at others laughing uproariously. He demonstrates that not only is he confident speaking but he knows what he’s talking about having researched his subject thoroughly. I have so hesitation recommending him to speak at any function on a variety of subjects. In conclusion, he’s funny, knowledgeable, confident, and engaging and I wish him well in his future business endeavours.” Valmai Moran



    Leigh Customises Topics On Request

    The Ultimate Life Map: A Purposeful Journey in Life or Business to Greater Freedom, Fulfilment and Happiness 

    Fast Track to Effectiveness: A Process to Doing Everything with Higher Purpose & Effectiveness

    Life’s Compass: A Ultimate Guide to Taking More Purposeful Action in Business & Life

    Delegate to Freedom: Achieve True Time Effectiveness & Productivity with Virtual Assistants

    THIS IS IT!!!

    Connect with Leigh and Bring more Passion and Purpose to Your next Event

    If you’re interested in hiring Leigh to speak at your organisation or event, please email The Speaking Coordinator, Anita, at Speaking fees are modest and are based on location, time requirements, and congruency of the message with the organisation or event.

    Prior to any engagement, Leigh works with the companies or associations key people to ensure his message is an exact fit for where the organisation & it’s people are at.

    CONTACT: +81 070 4211 7204


    Linkedin – Leigh Martinuzzi 

    Youtube – THY TV (COMING SOON)

    Facebook – The Hidden Why

    Twitter – @leighmartinuzzi 

  • 138: Book Reflections| Life’s Golden Ticket: A Story About Second Chances by Brandon Burchard

    Life’s Golden Ticket: A Story About Second Chances

    “Grant me the strength to focus this week, to be mindful and present, to serve with excellence, to be a force of love.” Brendon Burchard

    Are you just starting out on your personal transformational journey? If so, this book may be just the prefect starting point. Brandon shares a story of second chances. This is not a typical structured self-help book running through the does and donts of personal transformation – it is a story that takes you on a roller coaster ride.

    Without giving too much of the magic of this book away I will focus on some of the key points and then reflect as to why its message is magic. Brendon tells a tale that I believe relates to his own personal journey of transformation. He puts it in a story format that makes for a really easy read. For those just starting out or tempting to make change to embark on their own personal transformation journey, the self-help industry can sometimes be a little off putting. Brendon’s book I feel helps overcome this obstacle.


  • Are we free men or are we all slaves?

    Are we free men or are we all slaves?


    “I prefer dangerous freedom of peaceful slavery.” Thomas Jefferson


    I ponder this thought and yet still find myself no closer to a conclusion. Are we free or is the freedom that we believe to occupy falsely perceived by ourselves to make us feel more at peace? Slavery has passed and I am grateful for the freedoms we have now but as I free my own mind from self-inflicted slavery, I fear that I still seek out more freedoms.

    This fear stems from thoughts about how much a slave I still am in my own life. I have a grand desire for a life of freedom and the thought of being restricted, harnessed, or confined concerns me. I desire not to be laying on my death bed wondering how much more I could have experienced in this life. If only I hadn’t stayed back late at work so often or if I lessened my concern for the need of money and material possessions that drove me to live beyond the present. Money is only a means to an end but what end would it be with an end of regret?


  • 135: Leigh Martinuzzi| Patrick Forsyth's Take on Time Management, Speaking and Writing

    Patrick Forsyth’s Take on Time Management, Speaking and Writing 

    “There is an old saying that if you don’t know where you are going any road will do…”

    In this episode I discuss thoughts from Patrick Forsyth on Time Management, Effective Speaking and Writing, Sales and Negotiation. Unable to speak with Patrick online I did the best next thing – provided some questions for him to answer that could help us all.

    Patrick Forsyth’s work has spanned many industries, and countries. He has worked in most countries in continental Europe, including Eastern Europe and also works regularly in South East Asia. He has has written over 100 titles and has books translated into 24 different languages. (more…)

  • Heather Havenwood | Build your own business, build your wealth, live your dream.


    “Does this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity?”


    Heather Ann Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she has played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer.

    In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months.

    Heather is multi-faceted, and in this episode we discuss routines and rituals, how to build confidence, attraction for men and women and an array of thoughts on how to empower yourself.

    I hope you enjoy our chat and get a few gold nuggets to take away for your own benefit. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.


  • 133: Book Reflections| The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

    The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schawrtz

    “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” David J. Schawrtz


    Well if you have read any of my other stuff you will know that I am a big thinker and even bigger dreamer. I think all the time and thus why I find it easy to sit and write.

    Thinking compared to thinking big differs in that it is more a focus on the way you think. After reading this book I feel the author would hope that you will gain ideas, principles and tools for training your thoughts to help you lead a more successful life.

    You are what you think; believe you can succeed and you will.


  • We Are What Matters – We Are the Creators of Our Reality

    We Are What Matters – We Are the Creators of Our Reality

    For everything that exists two things are essential, matter and a creator. Without either of these nothing would exist. Now, it is said that we are the creators of our own reality and for each of us we have our own unique destiny. In this I fully agree. The question I must ask is that if everything exists within our reality does truly only exist due to matter and its relative creator than how indeed can I have influence over my reality?

    The computer that I type on exists because of the matter used to create it and the brilliant mind of the creator – in this case Apple and the masterfully minds behind Apple. The desk that I sit at, the stool that I sit on, the light that I use and the pen and paper that rest beside me are all examples of this existence and all require both matter and a creator.


  • 128: Book Reflections| The Mastery of Self by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

    128: Book Reflections| The Mastery of Self by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. 

    “This book is a master class on how to release false ideas about your reality, dissolve outdated agreements that do not serve your true nature, and step into your role as the passionate artist of your own life.” Don Miguel Ruiz

    This book is a must read! I absolutely loved it and just love the powerful messages contained within. Our reality is a creation by up domesticated state of awareness. If we can shift our awareness and realise the our reality is within out control, releasing ourselves from any false beliefs or attachments, we can open up a path in life that is absolutely our own.

    Don talks about domestication in greater detail in this book but essentially it is how from a young age we are domestic by receiving rewards and punishment that build to form our beliefs and behaviours and therefore depicting our current reality. We often attach ourselves to these states of being that are responsible for holding us back from living a truly authentic life.


  • 124: Faydra Koenig | Best-Selling Author & America’s Crisis Coach on How to Come Out of the Fire


    “You are a fish out of water.”


    Amazon Best-Selling Author, Podcaster, lover of iced tea and snarky banter, Faydra is determined that no one facing a crisis feel alone. Known in pop culture as America’s Crisis Coach™ Faydra interviews high-achievers who have faced unimaginable obstacles and come out on top. Her bold approach to crisis management is out of the box and is changing lives.

    In this episode we talk about how to get out of the fire and overcome crisis. Faydra shares her expertise and some positive light on how we can deal and manage with these challenges we face so that we can go on living a kick ass life.

    Discussing the beauty and importance of expressing your self, how to deal with fear and conformity, the value of communities, the grief and loss cycle, the concept of grace and validation and also how to manage forgiveness. So much gold in this show.

    I really hope you enjoy this chat and would like to ask you to please leave your thoughts. Until next time, get out of the crisis and into a life you love. Peace, passion and purpose.


  • 123: Book Reflections| On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine by Cara Bradley

    On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine by Cara Bradley

    Today I review a book on what it means to live life on the verge. The verge is a place, as Cara describes, where two rivers join. It is here where life flourishes greatly. In life this place called the verge exists by living in the now.

    By waking up to each moment will allow you to appreciate life more deeply and calmly. It is also that by becoming more attuned in the present that you and all your brilliance flourishes.

    If you with to seek some new perspective as well as insights and techniques on how to tap into you personal power then this is a great read.


  • 122: Leigh Martinuzzi| 3 Minute Thought: Beliefs vs. Behaviours

    “I don’t know enough to worry, so don’t worry.” Jeffrey Slayter


    In this episode I discuss why the differences between beliefs and behaviours and why beliefs don’t always need to come before behaviours, which is commonly thought the case.

    Action helps change. Action takes you towards those goals you desire to achieve. You must take action. It is actually through action also that you will build powerful, more deeply imbedded beliefs, that will propel you forward in your success.

    We all have pre-existing beliefs and certainly need to build our beliefs to a certain level to help us to take the first step and to take action, but it is actually in action our beliefs form much more strongly.

    Make sure you check out my interview with Jeffrey Slayter here. And until next time, leave your thoughts and comments, peace, passion and purpose.


  • 118: Book Reflections| Escape from Dark Places by Ambra Watkins

    Escape from Dark Places: Guideposts to Hope in an Age of Anxiety & Depression by Ambra Watkins

    We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. Chuck Palahniuk


    This is a remarkable and fascinating read. It is fresh perspective on how we can help others heal and overcome anxiety and depression – Escape From Dark Places. Ambra shares her personal experience as she had to learn how to help heal her son who visited a very dark place. Not surprisingly – he is not alone.

    It is said that one in four young adults suffer from a mental illness that is diagnosable. The other stats she discovers are also alarming. She realises that even with all the variety of therapies that exist, there still seems a lacking improvement among all people as it relates to anxiety and depression. Why? That is the journey she takes us on within the pages of this book.


  • 116: Travis Macy | Pro-Athlete Discussing The 8 Principles To Having An Ultra Mindset


    “The way we spend our days is the way we spend our lives.”


    Finisher of over 120 ultra endurance events in 17 countries, Travis Macy is a speaker, author, coach, and professional endurance athlete. He is the author of The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion’s 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life.

    He holds the record for Leadman, an epic endurance event consisting of a trail running marathon, 50-mile mountain bike race, Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race, 10k road run, and Leadville 100 Run, all above 10,200′ in the Rocky Mountains.

    In this episode we discuss what it takes to become an endurance athlete and indeed how these same principles can be applied to all our lives to maximise our success. We discuss his book, Ultra Mindset, principles for daily life such as how to embrace fear, rewrite stories we tell ourselves, and master the art of seeking help, among others.

    Travis enjoys helping people make the most of life and is happy to share all in this interview. Enjoy and as always, peace, passion and purpose.


  • I believe that a strong focus on your future is necessary. I believe in goals and vision setting. I feel that if you don’t know where it is you are going than that is a sure way to get to a place that you don’t want to be. This is living out a life with regret – one that wasn’t the true path of yourself.

    The Gratitude Diaries How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life by Janice Kaplan

    What does it take to live with gratitude? Surprising very little, other than a dose of of awareness. Being grateful is not something new and the theory of it has been around, as far as I can tell, for aeons. Great philosophers of the past speak on why being grateful is a divine way to live life with greater fulfilment and happiness.

    Janice Kaplan decided one New Years Eve that she was going to dedicate the entire year to being more grateful for everything in her life. Simply becoming more aware of all that she has and expressing gratitude for them. What she learns and discovers she share in her book and New York Times bestseller.


  • 109: Roger Whitney | The Retirement Answer Man, Financial Planner, Author, Podcaster, Dream Up, Plan, Retire Happy & Be Balanced


    “Live well today and live well tomorrow.” Roger Whitney

    Known as the Retirement Answer Man, Roger helps people manage time to create a meaningful financial life and to work toward independence. As a financial planner and retirement guru you may be thinking he is all about saving now for tomorrow but contrary to this he is more about balance- how to have more today and tomorrow.

    Roger Whitney has for 24 years expertly guided countless individuals and families to financial freedom and retirement. In this episode we discuss the ins and outs of money, investing and living a life with balance without sacrificing tomorrow. Importantly also we chat about how we can create a life that we don’t want to retire from.

    Achieving financial freedom is more than investing! Financial freedom requires lots of continual little “right” decisions about priorities and time and resource allocation. It requires consistent quality, on-going attention and knowing the key questions to ask. Not easy!

    Everyone can work towards financial freedom! I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did and until next time, peace, passion, purpose and happy retirement.


  • 106: Eric Zimmer | Podcaster, The One You Feed, Wolf -Theory, Hurdles & Overcoming Obstacles


    “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”


    Eric is the creator and host of The One You Feed Podcast and a lifestyle coach. He has taken his journey in life through some very tough times including alcohol addiction and becoming homeless. It is through these challenges he has learnt a heck of a lot and now wishes to share those with you.

    He is a big believer in the wolf theory that he describes as that we become the one we feed. We both have both the good and bad wolf within us and if we feed the good wolf we become the good wolf – feed the bad wolf and we become the bad wolf.

    In this episode we chat about addiction, the reason for it, the why, and also advice, tips and thoughts on how to overcome it. Noting that dramatic change is possible. We chat about the good and bad wolf and whether there is a need for balance. We also look at podcasting and the importance of starting and have a deeper reason to wanting to start other than something superficial or external.

    I really hope you enjoy my conversation with Eric. If you would like to reach out to either of us please do and please leave your comments below. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.


  • 099: Jeffrey Slayter| Author, International Speaker, Philanthropist, Thought Leader, Social Entrepreneur and Producer


    “If you want to have a life you love and you actually want to feel it along the way, get ready to turn yourself inside out.” Jeffrey Slayter

    Jeffrey is a Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Philanthropist, Thought Leader, Social Entrepreneur and Producer. He provides the next wave of visionary leaders with the connections, tools, platforms, consultations, trainings, knowledge and resources to accelerate their visions and businesses, as vehicles to bring humanity together.

    In his spare time, you might find him enthusiastically delving into eastern philosophies, meditation, leadership practices, building his business portfolio, and staying at the cutting edge of the most powerful information available to free humanity today.

    In this episode we take a spiritual approach to what it takes to be human focusing on defining your interpretation of success, determining your values and uniqueness and expressing you true inner self.

    Please enjoy this episode and leave your thought and comments below. Until next time peace, passion and purpose.


  • 093: Book Reflections| Influence: The psychology of persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

    Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition by Robert B. Cialdini


    What a great book. I used the audio version and really enjoyed the insights the writer shares as to the psychology behind makes people say ‘yes’.

    It shares 6 principles that are, reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking and scarcity.

    Now for the purpose of my review I have no desire to delve into the 6 principles and any great details but would highly recommend you get your self a copy of this book and have a read, or listen in this case.

    So why? Why would this have any relevance to my mission, the hidden why.


  • The 4 Things I Admire Most About Tim Ferriss

    The 4 Things I Admire Most About Tim Ferriss

    Tim Ferris is one of my mentors and someone I’ve been listening to and learning from for the past few years. Why do I follow Tim so consistently instead of the thousands of others that I am sure have value to offer? It’s because I admire a few traits he holds and shares very openly.

    I am sure Tim has qualities that I don’t see and traits that perhaps don’t gel with my own but that’s life. But I do believe him to be open and vulnerable.

    Many of us only show a fragment to the outer world of who we really are. This is in order to protect being attacked, left open to being heavily ridiculed or judged and in safety of our ego. The perception we see of another is limited, there is a great deal we don’t see. Smoke and mirrors! With Tim I feel that what you see if what you get and there is an honest lack of BS.

    I have many mentors who I learn a great deal from and the reason why I have many mentors is because I can take a little bit of something from each of them to help self-improve a little more everyday. Tim is one that I follow consistently.

    One of the greatest habits of the successful, that has been proven in countless studies, is that they are great at surrounding themselves with like minded and successful people.  It is known that those that you associate with-often you become.

    The relationships we choose in life will heavily affect the life we live. Choose the relationships that will only excel you forward on reaching your goals and dreams. I cannot physically meet and associate with my mentors, like Tim Ferriss however, I can, with the beauty of modern day technology, follow and learn from them.

    I laugh sometimes when I notice an attitude or behaviour of mine that has clearly been adopted from one of my mentors. It’s true, habits and behaviours are contagious, as are attitudes.

    If you want more good, healthy and positive habits and behaviours, then observe and learn from those that possess them. If you want bad and negative ones, then surround yourself with those that possess them.

    My goal in life is to continually self-improve. To learn and improve myself each day until my body escapes me, or I escape my body.

    I admit I have a man-crush! These are the three things I admire most about Tim Ferris.

    1.     His mission. Tim is a life long learner and a great one. In being so he helps to inspire others to also become better learners. A perception of mine observed by the vast majority of content he releases. Blogs, podcasts and even TV shows to teach us techniques that can be adapted across disciplines to assist us in mastering an art or craft or learning, much more effectively.

    He has this powerful curiosity and intrigue towards life that pushes him to ask powerful questions. Why? What? How? He then tackles what he learns through self-experimentation to deeper his learning. Knowledge without action is wasteful.

    It is through this approach Tim can assess and improve effective learning techniques. Without taking what he hears, reads, or sees as gospel, Tim will test things out for himself in order to prove what’s real and what’s not.

    These experiments and tests are certainly not half attempted either. He puts it all on the line; by thoroughly researching and speaking with the masters within those particular fields, he gains greater insights to help him overcome any particular barriers that may be faced.

    He chooses not to learn as perhaps the way we are taught, nor does he limit his beliefs as to what is possible to learn or even how quickly we can learn something. He challenges the traditional approach to education and learning with thinking that may be regarded as outside the box.

    Through all his studies and experiments in life Tim has become the expert at effective learning. When I read or listen to something from Ferriss I can be assured that its not merely just thoughts but truth based on harder evidence and fact.

    Lesson for us all- become life long learners. Adapt a curiosity to everything in life you encounter, pick it apart, and take away the gold from every interaction. Everything you learn will advance you that much more helping you achieve the greatness you so desire in this life.

    2.    Time Management Practices. I consider myself a highly organised person with some great in-built time management practices. I think growing up observing my mother has helped me considerably to get the most done in the time I have. With this belief aside there is always room to improve.

    The various mentors that I look up to teach me various skills, some teach me how to better my mindset and attitude towards life while others I admire for their confidence. Tim has taught and helped me improve my effectiveness through increased productivity.

    He has taught me how to remove distractions so that I can stay focused on the task at hand. He has allowed me to become better at prioritising so that I achieve more of my goals. There much more room to improve in this arena and I continually learn new tricks and tips from these mentors, including Tim.

    Tim did a great podcast that you can find here in which he discusses some of his productivity disciplines. He claims not to be so great at being efficient but in this blog of his he explains why.

    3.    His view towards the modern day lifestyle. The way I viewed money, career, lifestyle, and retirement changed when I finished reading Tim’s book The 4-Hour Workweek.

    The opening chapters were so controversial to what I was bought up to believe and his views on how to approach life challenged what I thought I knew. And I loved it! The idea that we can move against the status quo and live a life by our own design was exciting.

    Obviously the book is meant to inspire but also to teach us techniques on how to set up a “money machine” so that you can live the life doing those things you enjoy.

    For me the book amplified my desire for freedom. Why can’t we live this life as we wish? Why do we have to do what the masses do? We don’t! It is possible to create the ideal life that you desire.

    Tim’s view on things opened my mind and awakened something inside me that had gone to sleep- the drive for freedom in my life. It is really a book to encourage you to ask questions. If there is a problem, find a solution and don’t just accept the first answer you receive.

    Grab a copy of The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich here or download the Audible version using the ‘free book’ link below.

    4.    His ability to network. He is very well known now but I am sure he would agree that it hasn’t always been this way- he had to work at it. But from my perspective what has assisted him to becoming so, is through his ability to network.

    I remember him talking about launching The Four Hour Work Week and the strategy he used to get the book launched and into the public arena.

    As a man with a desire to do things with the most effectiveness he researched the best way to do so and that meant attending conferences and doing a book-launch road show. This requires the skill of networking.

    I am also a fan of his podcast- The Tim Ferriss Show, and the guests that he has on his show are very high calibre. This indicates further to me that his networking skills are great.

    Networking is not a strength of mine but I realise that its essential on my journey so wish to only continue to improve. I will certainly observe and continue to watch Tim to see what new networking tips and tricks I can pick up.

    5.    Bonus: There is no bullshit. I already mentioned this in the opening and that is I believe that what you see with Tim is what you get. I admire people who are open and vulnerable. Their authenticity shines through and they seem to lack any phoniness. This makes me want to listen to them more and certainly take their advice on-board.

    This is a great quality and perhaps and is what allows you to follow and admire someone with consistently and longevity. When there is bullshit or as I say, “cheesiness”, it becomes challenging to follow someone.

    Tim puts out consistently great content and I am grateful to be able to continue to learn from him.

    I hope you have enjoyed my views and I would also love to hear your thoughts so leave your comments below. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.

  • Summary

    Niklas is a young and enthusiasti-action coach who is on his on personal transformational journey and has a great deal to share about life, following you passions and doing what it takes to continually improve yourself.

    Not so long ago, life for Nik wasn’t grand. He was nowhere near a meaningful relationship, shy and fearful, worried about what everyone else thinks, bad habits, and lack of exercise and in all no real clue of what he wanted in life.

    Then he discovers personal improvement. The idea was to focus on improving in four key aspects important to living a successful life- mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health. If you just improve 1% each day then over the course of your life you will become a master- the cumulative affects of this are huge. Inspired by James Altucher.


  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling

    This book is written for organisations and leaders to help achieve rapid behaviour changing results amongst their teams and employees. The principles and strategies that have been tested and proven to work, can be directly applied to our own lives.

    As we are our greatest leader in life, I feel that you will be able to adapt these principles to help you become a master at execution. The four principles that are discussed in this book are: Focusing on the wildly important; Acting on lead measures; Keeping a compelling scoreboard; and Creating a cadence of accountability.


  • Summary

    “Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, and does it improve the silence?”


    Gayle Hardie is internationally recognised for her capability, enthusiasm and experience in the world of leadership and organisational transformation. She is the cofounder of the Global Leadership Foundation that has allowed her to pursue a number of her passions. Among these include working with leaders and individuals in transformation, emotional health, planning and development, mentoring and coaching.

    In this episode we discuss all things on transformational leadership and change, emotional health, why environment is paramount, practices including meditation, competition vs. abundance, why choice is a gift and how we must all take responsibility for the leadership of our own lives through the choices we make.

    There is so much GOLD in this episode I really hope you enjoy. Leave your comments, thoughts and until next time peace, passion and purpose.

    “What is one thing in life you will not compromise?”


  • Trust & Distrust – Why it is Better to Live with Trust

    Trust is an admired quality for all humankind. For leaders, trust is an absolute. We are all our own leaders in life and therefore trust must be a quality we need to learn. This includes trusting yourself, others and the universe. Not always easy.

    As I sit here and drink my green tea I trust that everything in life will be ok. If I didn’t I would likely feel more anxiety, nervousness, and pressure. These emotions are not pleasant and I don’t wish to have them. This is why I try and choose more trust.

    Trust is unlike a magnet whereby polar opposites attract. The trustworthy attract the trustworthy and conversely so, the untrustworthy attract the untrustworthy. When it comes to how you live your life and towards what it is that you desire the same is true.


  • “Trust is the glue of life. Its the most essential ingredient in effective communication. Its the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” Stephen Covey

    Trust: a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

    In this 3 minute thought I review my thoughts on trust. I highlight that trust has amazing powers. It is often hard for us to trust everything.

    If you can practice trust to a point where you can trust everything great benefits will come.

    Trust is a higher and more powerful energy than distrust. By focusing on trust you will remove distrust, you will attract more energy fields that contain trust- like trusting people and less likely to receive distrust.

    Start with trust, don’t start with distrust. Here are my thoughts, peace, passion and purpose.

  • What do you do when faced with disbelievers and the naysayers?

    For many of us it can be the ones we are surrounded by, the ones that we love, that love us, the people that are in our life that can often put stop to our dreams.

    We are also confronted by those that we somehow associate with, the ones that tell us that what we dream, what we desire to do and to achieve, is the impossible.

    The ones we love usually do it to try and protect us from self-harm. Our parents tell us that it wont work based on their experience.  Our friends don’t want to see us fail or find disappointment.

    For the others, they are envious and really don’t want to see us succeed. They are the ones wishing that they had the courage to follow their heart.


  • Summary

    “The only advantage you can have these days is truth and you can only have truth from experience.”


    Joel Brown is the founder and CEO or addicted to success that is the number one inspiration website for all those self-improvement junkies out there. His website that started out as his own personal blog to share his own self-improvement stories and messages quickly gained massive traction and now 4 years along has had more than 62 million viewers visit the site.

    In this episode Joel shares this story of how it all began and the journey along the way. He is a passionate man and feels he never had may limiting beliefs holding him back but rather a knowledge that he could do whatever was required. He also attributes much of his success to take quick action and also being consistent, focusing on community and providing value.


  • Have you ever wondered why some companies do so incredibly well? They become major successes and sometimes within only a short amount of time.

    Their secret: they disrupt the industries that they enter.

    The path to success can be achieved simply by copying previous patterns of behaviours and success yet this strategy can be tedious. It can also often result without success.


    “Those who cut against the grain, see real success.”


    Following the herd, living to the status quo, walking in someone else’s footsteps can be grand. Those who cut against the grain however, see real success. They challenge the norm, and break down barriers of what was previously thought as having limits.


  • Summary

    “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”


    Chris is the founder of Actionable Books, which is all about picking out the key message and actionable points of both business and personal transformational books. The business has grown and adapted and now at its core is all about fostering better relationships at the workplace by helping leaders and their team create powerful conversations.

    Our conversation is rich with many great take-outs and while we do seem to run of in tangents I think this only improves the depth of conversation. We discuss the importance of reading both at an individual level and business level, implementation and how to taking action from what you learn, and how to creating powerful conversations


  • Descartes is one of the most famous philosophers of the modern age who wrote this line “I think, therefore I am”. Back in the day around the 16th century, this kind of thinking was most likely considered reason enough to be condemned. However in plight to defeat his own scepticism he went on to write about this belief.

    So what does it really mean? I think, therefore I am. This belief is that thought, truly creates who we are, we are what we think, and therefore what we think is critical in identifying who we are in this body that we exist.

    I believe our body to be purely a vessel to carry our mind in this one life and without the mind the body is without existence. Our connection to our body may therefore only exist due to our mind and our thought.


  • Summary

    “If money were no object what will you be doing?”


    Elizabeth is a fire cracker and ambition woman that has had really great success in the finance and investment world. She began her journey as a young teenage mum but having the desire to support and raise her family she ambitiously set out on a career. She made loads of money is a pretty quick time and had so many great things and experiences but found she was not really happy.

    It was this realisation she really began to discover her real calling and really began to strive to live more true to her-self. She is now a mentor and coach to help empower others to really connect with their inner self and assist them to reach both financial and emotional freedom.


  • There are many traits of the successful people and there are many qualities of a happy and fulfilled life. Three that I have recently discovered are curiousity, conversation and variety. They all work together and also work separately in life but if you manage to incorporate them into you life you will notice a remarkable shift for the better.

    The old proverb “curiosity killed the cat” is one that sends a message that unnecessary investigation or experimentation can be dangerous. This may be true yet those that sit idle may never truly live. In order to protect your nine lives don’t investigate, don’t experiment and don’t take risk. Though this may mean you never get to use one of those lives, or indeed enjoy life at all.

    There is a great rejoinder to this proverb that says, “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction bought it back.”


  • Summary

    “You can buy success, you have to pay the rent everyday.” Kevin Clayson


    Kevin Clayson describes himself as a pretty simple fellow yet when you listen to this episode you may think otherwise. He comes across with so much energy it is contagious. I found myself talking faster and pumped-up as if I just had 8 red bulls myself, which he jokingly says he had prior to this interview.

    He reveals many great tips and tricks and certainly in our chat we uncover useful ideas and inspiration for all of us on our journey. We also discuss his book, FLIPing the Gratitude Switch, which is something he has worked on over the last few years. Speaking in front of many people sharing this information. The FLIP philosophy is awesome!


  • The Hidden Why

    “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.” Tony Robbins


    Great and powerful beliefs have the ability to transform you life. You can create powerful beliefs and influence you beliefs however initial belief is only powerful enough to get your started to assist you in taking the first step.

    Greater beliefs however are created through behaviours. By taking action and then committing consistently to those behaviours that you desire, you will transform your neural pathways more permanently.

    Enjoy this thought! Peace, passion and purpose.


  • Tim Ferris is one of my mentors and as a matter of fact his face stares at me from my vision board hanging on my wall in front of me. Why do I look at this man instead of the thousands of others that I am sure have value to offer? It’s because I admire a few very simple traits he holds and shares very openly.

    I am sure there are qualities that perhaps I don’t see and traits that perhaps don’t gel with my own but hey, that’s just life. The reason why I have many mentors and not just the one is because I can take a little bit of something from each of them to make me a little more improved.

    That is my goal in life, self-improvement, to continually learn and improve myself each day until my body escapes me or until I perhaps escape my body.

    So what are the three things I admire most about Tim?


  • The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

    “As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.” Grant Cardone


    This is the first book by Grant Cardone I have read and actually the truth is I listened to this one and loved it. Audio is a great way to consume more when your on the go, and if I can listen to one book every fortnight that is one book more and that equates to an additional 25 books a year.

    All the successful people in this world read and listen to educational material in order to continually learn and they never stop their efforts to do so, ever!

    What I loved about this book is that Grant himself read it which is important I think when it comes to audio books because the message is conveyed better than having someone else read it and with more energy, passion and purpose.


  • Summary

    “If its not a heck yes than it’s a no.”


    Brian is a passionate podcaster and does a lot of podcasting. He is currently the host of four podcasts and working on some additional ones behind the scenes. His purpose is to empower and encourage others from behind the mic. His business is about hosting podcasting for businesses to help save them the time.

    In this episode we discuss the intricacies of the entrepreneurial lifestyle that is not an easy path and is not going to be for everyone. For Brian he simply couldn’t work the 9 to 5 job he simply had too much desire to do his own thing. Entrepreneurism comes with a lot of great freedom but equally loaded with hard work, hustle and tough challenges.


  • 031: Interview with Jenny Santi | Philanthropy Advisor, Author, Passion, Happiness, Balance, Loving Yourself, Discussing the 6 Steps to Giving


    “Give until it feels great and not until it hurts.”

    Jenny Santi is a leading and trusted philanthropy advisor to some of the most generous philanthropists and celebrity activists worldwide.

    She helps her clients channel their wealth, power and influence to providing greater social good. More recently she has just completed writing her book called “The Giving Way to Happiness”, which shares stories and the science behind the life changing power of giving.

    It a unique discussion to assist us to better understand why giving is so beneficial, not only the wider world,  but also within. She decided to write this book to help readers understand that giving or philanthropy is not only for the very rich and famous.

    I hope you obtain a great deal of value here. Please review the key take outs below, take time to provide us with your feedback, comments and questions and get in touch with Jenny or myself if you so wish to. Give, peace, passion and purpose…

    “Seek and you shall find.”



  • How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure by Leigh Martinuzzi 

    Perhaps the number one thing that holds me back in life is the fear of failure. I am certainly one person that takes courage and continually strive to make bold changes in my life. This has allowed me to find ways to overcome the fear of failure and believe me I continue to suffer with this disease yet I am getting better all the time.

    First of all let’s understand where it begins and that is within our mind. The fear of failure exists in your head either due to you never have taken action towards overcoming that particular fear or because you have previously taken action and failed, thus creating nervousness or fear to take similar actions once again.

    Have you ever heard of the amygdala? These are little almond sized parts of our brain responsible for memory, emotions and our survival instincts. Apparently there are two of them. Without these little suckers perhaps we would have a much greater ease in overcoming our fears. Yet at the same time it is our amygdala that protects us from harm, injury or death. (more…)

  • Summary

    “Come and see just how deep the rabbit whole goes.”


    Anthony is master trainer and course creator in the field of memory. He is a best selling author, professor, trainer, blogger and more recently podcaster. He has written over 40 books on memory methods, skills and effectiveness and is the founder of Magnetic Memory Method.

    Magnetic memory method is a systematic 21st century approach to memory improvement from memorising languages, people’s names, music, poetry, and much more which according to Anthony is a elegant, easy, effective and fun way to memory improvement. 

    Is then of obvious reason that we discuss all things memory, including what Norepinephrine is, how improved memory helps in our journey for creating passionate and purposeful lives, improved reading techniques, what mnemonics are and how they work, and why sleep is important. I am tested also using one of Anthony’s techniques. Its a fun and enlightening show that I hope you can benefit from. Peace, passion and purpose. 

    “With great power comes great responsibility.”



  • Summary

    “I am here to express the greatness that was given to me.”


    Angie Swartz, Founder of Life Purpose Advisor, is a Life Coach and an Executive Business Coach.  Angie’s mission is to empower people to find their life purpose and to improve personal mastery through knowing themselves, incorporating daily practices and transforming their bodies.

    She is a big believer that we all know our purpose but perhaps just cannot recognise it. We discuss The Life Purpose Advisor method that is a four module program (see take-outs below). I really hope you enjoy this conversation and get something out of it. Please live us some comments and questions below. Peace, passion & purpose!

    “Be in charge of the results that show up in your life.”



  • “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure your can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” Richard Branson


    I did just that. I got the pleasure to hear Richard speak and afterwards I meet him behind the scenes. Sometimes opportunities come to us but only once in a life. If it is something you really don’t want to miss out on its best to say yes and than figure out how to make it work later.

    To be honest this wasn’t a hard challenge to overcome for me but there was a moment of thought in which I was like, should I or shouldn’t I? Of course I did. I said yes!

    With out getting too of track from the purpose of this post I just want to delve into this practice of grabbing hold of opportunities that present themselves. It is easy to say no to opportunities but equally it is easy to say yes. (more…)

  • Passion: What is it, why is it good, and what you can do about it. 

    “Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams.” Donovan Bailey

    In this Monday show I discuss what it means to really follow your passions. I share my personal story of how I was stuck in life, and how, by taking steps to live closer aligned with my passions, I started to break free. 

    When you discover things you are passionate about and become so obsessed with them you raise the bar in your life, you amplify all other aspects of your life, and life begins to hold more meaning and significance once again. 


  • Manage Your Emotions: If Only First We Seek To Understand

    “Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.” Stephen Covey


    I was riding my scooter the other day delivering some pamphlets, wow! Riveting topic. For those of you that don’t know I am a real estate agent and please don’t hold that against me. Apparently real estate agents ranked as a less trustworthy profession than prostitution, CEO’s and even car salesman. Well I certainly don’t judge any of those professions and certainly only aim to do my part to improve this result. Shame on us all!

    So in my week I deliver pamphlets to promote business and myself. It takes about 4 hours to complete delivery to my area and can be quite enjoyable on a nice sunny days listening to hours of podcasts and I know for sure that my stuff is getting in those letterboxes. (more…)

  • A life without regret: 8 Ways to get yourself out of the FUNK

    “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not a life that others expected of me.”


    Do you ever get that feeling like life is going nowhere? You fell like your stuck and unable to get out? Feeling restricted and like this is how life is meant to be but deep within you there is a yearning to be free?

    Life is challenging, life is full of ups and downs, and life can be difficult, sometimes it feels so hard and complicated that you may wonder what its all for, but this shouldn’t be the case!

    Life is grand. Life is a gift. At times life might present you with challenges but they shouldn’t be meet with struggle and disdain but rather be greeted with a smile and treated as healthy and exciting challenges.

    Understand life and what it truly means and you may just find it’s actually not so hard but rather easy and pleasurable. (more…)

  • A life without regret: 8 Ways to get yourself out of the FUNK

    In this episode I share with you 8 ways to get yourself out of the funk and start living life to its fullest. We have one life and its important for me not to get to the end with any regrets. 

    The top regret of the dying is that they wish they had the courage to live a life true to themselves, not a life that others expected of them.

    Make it a choice to live a life of your desires. Take the courage to do all that it is you truly want to do. Make is your mission to live a rich, abundant life with great passion and purpose and one that is without regret.

    This is your life! This is your why!

    The 8 areas to help reignite life, help you get untuck that I share in this episode are: (more…)

  • Jeff is the host of the 5am miracle podcast, which is currently ranked number one in iTunes in the self-help and business categories. It has been nominated for two 2015 podcast awards and has exceeded 1.5 million downloads.

    Among other things Jeff is a 10-time marathon runner, personal improvement junky and a passionate raw vegan. He is also a productivity author and coaches, specialising in helping others dominate their day before breakfast.

    In this Episode we discuss what it means to find your passion, becoming more productive and managing your time better and how to start your day off to help you reach peak performance.

    “Dominate your day before breakfast.”


  • Michael is all about helping people make their businesses more awesome with a particular focus in the franchisee industry. If you’re going facing some challenges or simply want to amplify you business Michael hopes to help you make your business more awesome.

    In this episode we discuss the idea of work life integration, following your passion, getting kick ass with rituals and routines and an overall how to guide to to starting out on your journey. 

    “Getting comfortable being uncomfortable.”


  • David TS Wood speaker, trainer, humanitarian, living with truth and authenticity David shares a great deal of lessons, ideals and philosophies that assist all on our journey to living a kick-ass life.


    David is a business leader, speaker & trainer, coach, humanitarian and father of two boys Calvin and Ben. He is a person of true and authentic character he is humble, fun, energetic, generous and really just down to earth. He has no barriers on being truthful and it is within this truth that you will find it easy to engage with him and comforting to be around. (continued below)

    “It’s not the amounts of breaths we take but the amount of moments that take our breath away.”


  • I keep searching for freedom; I think I am lucky though as for most of my life I have had a pretty high level of it.

    Its addictive and I want more!

    Being grateful for what you have rather than being upset or angry at what you don’t have is a sure way to get more of the same. I am grateful for the freedom I have but as I get more I must better understand the discipline that is required to manage freedom.


  • What does your ideal life look like?

    I want you to think about it for a little bit right now. I want you to dream and see your vision. What does your idea future hold?

    What would you be doing? How would your freedom look like? What would your relationships look like, your health, your money?

    What best routines you can adopt to live your ideal life, live each day to its fullest and in doing so to live a life full of passion, happiness and satisfaction.

    One you won’t regret when you reach the end of it.


  • Change is inevitable, everything is constantly changing, and it is how we deal with change that makes us or breaks us.

    Where there is change there is uncertainty and as human beings we are programmed to be cautious when we are uncertain or uncomfortable.

    I think it’s a defense mechanism. Our brain releases some kind of chemical to say, “Oh shit, this is not normal, ALERT!”

    From there we do everything we can to push and fight against this outrageous intruder called change. We don’t like the upset in our standard patterns or practice so we try avoiding them.


  •  The Obstacle is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph  by Ryan Holiday

    So often in my life have I been faced with challenges and struggles and things that have just taken everything out of me. At times I have felt defeated and almost come to a point of giving up. For some things I have felt I have given up.

    Yet I am still here and still moving forward. I am still on a path searching for what it is I am here for. Looking for fulfilment in life, living life with passion. How to be free, happy and give back.

    This book is for those times you are feeling on the edge of giving in. For times you have fallen and are struggling to get up. At times the road we journey seems changed forever, at times it just seems outright blocked. (more…)

  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker

    When you read the tittle of this book what do you start telling yourself? Do you start dreaming of how cool having a million dollars would be; do you switch off and think ‘what a load of rubbish’? Do you tell yourself you don’t need anyone telling you how to be rich or perhaps think that the book is just for the greedy snobs of the world?

    What ever it is I can assure you the tittle will pull some cord within you based on all your past experiences, your beliefs and your values.

    After reading this book I realise that I have been living, breathing and experiencing the messages held within vicariously through another mentor of mine and this reading has just enhanced, reinforced and strengthened my view on the importance of having a positive wealth mindset if wealth is truly what you desire. (more…)

  • I want you to do me a favour and ask yourself this question, “Is my job or career my true passion or calling and does it provide me everyday enjoyment and happiness”. Answer this honestly to yourself. If you answer were not as pleasing as you would like than perhaps its time to make change. If you want to be just another cog in the system than great, if not put you hand up and stand out.

    Here I am doing my early morning walk to get my blood pumping, choosing to walk rather than run just to take in the serenity and gather some thoughts. I find it rather peaceful, almost like mediation, especially while it’s still close to dark, mid winter, not many people out and the only noise I hear is the local bird life.


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